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Broadcasting station - Voice of America

Country USA Language English Created on 26.Jun.2006

Die VoA wurde 1942 vom Büro für Kriegsberichterstattung gegründet und sollte Programme für das von Deutschland besetzte Europa und Nordafrika produzieren. Die VoA nutzte dazu Kurzwellensender, die von CBS und NBC bereitgestellt worden waren.
Die englischsprachigen Programme bestehen zum größten Teil aus einem reinen Nachrichten-Programm VoA -News Now. Einige Sendungen in Special English mit einem geringeren Vokabular und leichterem Satzbau sind ebenfalls im Programmangebot. Sendungen in deutscher Sprache gibt es nicht. In Deutschland wird ein Mittelwellensender in Ismaning bei München zur Übertragung von VoA-Programmen eingesetzt.
In Zeiten des Kalten Kriegs wurden die Sendungen von Störsendern in der Sowjetunion stark beeinträchtigt (so genanntes Jamming). Heute mietet die VoA Sendeanlagen in den GUS-Staaten zur Übertragung ihrer Programme.

1861 play
Speech English 0:55 MP3  320.33 KB
Karl-Heinz Bradtmöller   30.Jun.2006
Record date 27.Apr.1990
Recorded by Karl-Heinz Bradtmöller
Recording device Siemens RK 651
VoA Europe; Relaisstation Tangier (Morocco), 21585 kHz ; 19:08 UTC
Q_VOA90.JPG (228958)
Karl-Heinz Bradtmöller01.Jul.2006
QSL-Sammlung Bradtmoeller
3341 play
Speech English 12 seconds MP3  265.31 KB
Rick Hirsh   07.Apr.2013
Broadcast from (year) 1955
Record date 01.Sep.1955
Recorded by Chrysler
Recording device radio and television
Model Mopar 914-HR Ch= C-5690HR
Philco, Philadelphia Stg. Batt. Co.; USA
This is a "Breaking News" radio sound clip of the Chrysler and Philco annoucement of the World's first all transistor car radio, that was developed and produced in 1955. This annoucement was on the radio during 1955 and also on a CBS television program called "Climax" - Adventurers of Huckerberry Finn, which aired on September 01, 1955, which Chrysler was a major sponsor. Chrysler had also used this sound clip in its "promotional" sales film materials, that was distributed to its car dealerships in late 1955, for the introduction of the 1956 Chrysler and Imperial car models.
Chrysler Imperial logo design==1955-56.jpg (1438275)
Rick Hirsh23.Apr.2013
1955 Chrysler Imperial Dealership Promotional sales film
3361 play
Speech English 23 seconds MP3  376.47 KB
Rick Hirsh   23.Apr.2013
Broadcast from (year) 1959
Broadcast to (year) 1959
Record date Jun.1959
Recorded by Philco
Recording device radio and television
Model H2010BL Safari 10AT10
Philco, Philadelphia Stg. Batt. Co.; USA
This is a partial audio clip of a June 1959 radio and television broadcast commercial, for the "New" Philco "Safari" TV. It is the "World's First Transistorized Battery Operated Portable TV", that was developed and produced. This audio clip is intended for the purposes of the history of philco and for its educational purposes only.
Philco Safari TV advertisement  store sign-1959.jpg (1439186)
Rick Hirsh25.Apr.2013
1959 Philco store advertisement sold on ebay
This is a 1959 store display advertisement of the Philco "Safari" Transistorized battery-powered portable TV.
5081 play
Speech English 38 Sec. MP3  304.39 KB
Heribert Jung   18.Aug.2019
Broadcast from (year) 1942
Record date 02.Jan.1942
Recorded by VOA
VOA's first broadcast from New York City to Germany.
These words, spoken by WIlliam Harlan Hale, were the foundation for the Voice of America. This broadcast, in German, was spearheaded by a small group of German-speaking journalists just 56 days after the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor

This station entry was created by administrator Bernd P. Kieck.


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