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SPARC Museum (Society for the Preservation of Antique Radio in Canada)

V3C 4J2 Coquitlam, Canada (British Columbia)

Address Riverview Hospital
Kerria Drive, in the old pharmaceutical warehouse at the top of the hill. 
Floor area only roughly guessed: 2 500 m² / 26 910 ft²   Area for radios (if not the same) 2 500 m² / 26 910 ft²
Museum typ Exhibition
Radio and Kommunication in general
  • TV and image recording
  • Wire- & tape recording
  • Record players with pick up
  • Electricity / Magnetism
  • Media
  • Radios (Broadcast receivers)
  • Transmitting and Studio technique
  • Telephone / Telex
  • Morse technology
  • Measuring Instruments, Lab Equipment
  • Amateur Radio / Military & Industry Radio

Opening times
Sundays: 10am - 4pm.

Status from 06/2016
Free entry, donations expected.

Tel.:+1-604-777 18 85  eMail:info  


Our page for SPARC Museum (Society for the Preservation of Antique Radio in Canada) in Coquitlam, Canada, is administrated by a member. Please write to him about your experience with this museum, for corrections of our data or sending photos by using the Contact Form to the Museum Finder.

Location / Directions
N49.248065° W122.807847°N49°14.88390' W122°48.47082'N49°14'53.0340" W122°48'28.2492"

The SPARC museum is located on the Riverview Hospital grounds in Coquitlam, B.C., Canada, about 15 miles east of Vancouver.

The Riverview Hospital grounds are a sprawling site with many buildings. It can be a little difficult to find the building containing SPARC.
There are two main entry points to Riverview off the Lougheed Hwy (#7) between the Cape Horn interchange and Coquitlam Centre: one at Colony Farm Rd. and one at Orchid Drive.
SPARC is located in a light-yellow-brown metal-clad, flat-roof building roughly in the north-south centre of the grounds, up the hillside from the red-brick East Lawn building and south of the white-and-blue North Lawn building.
If you spot a number of antennas, you're very close.

Parking is plentiful and free.

Some example model pages for sets you can see there:

USA: Clapp-Eastham Co.; Baby Emerson Loud Speaker Set (1927/28)
USA: Brunswick-Balke- 22 (1930/31)
USA: Zenith Radio Corp.; H723Z Ch= 7H04Z (1950/51)



SPARC is a non-profit organization dedicated to preserving radio and electronic communications artifacts and history, with an emphasis on a Canadian perspective. The society is run by members and volunteers.

SPARC provide restoration and repair services for old radios. Members may also use the facilities for restoration and repair of their own equipment.

SPARC is also broadcasting audio programs over the Internet.

The Bamfield Collection

* Bamfield trans-Pacific undersea cable telegraph equipment
* Early spark equipment, pre-broadcast era
* Broadcast receivers
* Broadcast studio
* Television receivers
* Military equipment
* Amateur (ham) equipment
* Library
* Shortwave and Commercial Receivers
* Marine Radio presents here one of the many museum pages. We try to bring data for your direct information about all that is relevant. In the list (link above right) you find the complete listing of museums related to "Radio & Co." we have information of. Please help us to be complete and up to date by using the contact form above.



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