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ID = 17418
United States of America (USA)
Brand: Common type USA tube/semicond.
Developer: Western Electric Company Inc.; New York (NY) 
Tube type:  SPECIAL TUBE, other or unknown 
Identical to 1B22 = CV761
First Source (s)
07.Jun.1948 : Electron Tube Registration List 667
Successor Tubes 1B29  

Was used by Radar

Argon-Hydrogen filled spark gap, for use as radar modulator. Corona trigger electrode inside the cathode, to start the firing. Aluminum cathode, nickel or iron anode. By design the tube must be operated with the cathode opening downward; the aluminum eroded by sparks is mostly transferred to anode, leaving approximately constant the electrode spacing through the useful life.

  • 2.7KV per gap firing voltage
  • 75A peak, 75mA average
  • 1100pps max.

Introduced by WE during WWII. Registered in 1948, when already discontinued. Third issue of datasheet dated 1943.

Two used in the 10.5 kW pulser of AN/APS4 to drive the magnetron 2J21.

Tube prices 1 Tube prices (visible for members only)
Information source Taschenbuch zum Röhren-Codex 1948/49   
-- Original-techn. papers.   Glasoe & Lebaqz, Pulse Generators
Tube Lore (I)

1B22: Manufacturer's Literature
Emilio Ciardiello

1B22: Manufacturer's Literature
Emilio Ciardiello

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