Below you find a part of the radio collection Manuel Albano Neves - including other related items. 70 radios antigos |
Part of the radio collection of Manuel Albano Neves. These pictures have been uploaded to the corresponding models by Manuel Albano Neves but this is not necessarily all of Manuel Albano Neves's collection.
A: Philips - Österreich
1976–78 : HiFi-Stereo-Maestro 4504 N4504/00 |
D: Clatronic; Kempen (bei Krefeld)
1995 ??: High Power Stereo System AR-209 |
J: Sanyo Electric Co. Ltd.; Moriguchi...
1978 ??: Hi-iFi Stereo System DCW 4800UM |
I: Indesit; Ancona
1970 ??: Hirundo T 24" SI Ch= Indesit 490-26E |
ROK: Daewoo Electronics (Daytron); Seoul
1994 ??: Hisawa Autoradio ARDS20 |
D: Telefunken Deutschland (TFK), (Ges...
1974–78 : Hit 2000LS |
D: Sennheiser Electronic (Labor W); W...
1972 : HMD 414 |
A: Philips - Österreich
1973/74 : Holiday 300 22RR300 |
NL: AudioSonic, Amsterdam
1990 ??: HP-79 |
J: Sansui Electric Co., Ltd.; Tokyo
1983 ??: HS-200 |
I: Sèleco (brand), Formenti Sèleco - ...
1992 ??: HSFG37M22GO |
J: Aiwa Co. Ltd.; Tokyo
1992 ??: HS-TX 396 |
J: Hitachi Ltd.; Tokyo
1983 : HT-500 |
PRC: Unknown - CUSTOM BUILT: China
1984 ??: Hypson GO/FM Radio Cassette Recorder 2605 |
J: Silvano, Kyoei Electronics Co. Ltd...
1978 ??: IC 3 Band Radio KC-3010 |
D: ICE - Ralf Trautwein GmbH / C.H.T....
1992 ??: ICE TV 1151 |
J: Sony Corporation; Tokyo
1998/99 : ICF-790 L |
F: Philips France; Paris
1970 ??: IC Radio Inconnu - unknown 1 |
D: ITT Schaub-Lorenz
1982 ??: Ideal Color HCP-1100SM |
D: ITT Schaub-Lorenz
1984 ??: Ideal Color 3432 Oscar |
PRC: Unknown - CUSTOM BUILT: China
2005 ??: Idea MP3USB ID-8503 |
F: Atlantic; Paris
1955 ?: Inconnu - Unknown 1 |
F: Philips France; Paris
1967 ?: Inconnu - unknown 2 |
F: Radiola (marque)
1969 : Inconnu - Unknown 3 SA 4306 ? |
J: Aiwa Co. Ltd.; Tokyo
1998 ??: In Ear Stereo Headphones HP EX1 |
J: Aiwa Co. Ltd.; Tokyo
1995 ??: In Ear Stereo Headphones HP V041 |
J: Sharp; Osaka
1990 ?: Integrated Audio System CD610H(GY) |
J: Sanyo Electric Co. Ltd.; Moriguchi...
1980 : Integrated Stereo Amplifier DCA 203 |
CH: Lenco; Burgdorf
2006 : IPD-3100 |
I: Visa Electronics; Roma
1995 ??: IR-7001A |
I: Sound Electric Company; (dove? whe...
1970 ??: Isam |
GB: Ferguson (Brand), Ferguson Radio C...
1980 ??: J20K2 / G9-21 |
E: Brigmton; Bilbao
1988 ?: JC-379 |
D: Omega; Trossingen, später Schwenni...
1989 ??: Jogger 1030 |
PRC: Unknown - CUSTOM BUILT: China
1995 ??: JPA Public Address Amplifier JTA 450 C |
D: Telefunken Deutschland (TFK), (Ges...
1967/68 : Jubilate 201 |
D: Telefunken Deutschland (TFK), (Ges...
1969/70 : Jubilate 301a |
D: Telefunken Deutschland (TFK), (Ges...
1973–77 : Jubilate 501 |
P: CIT - Centro de Instrução Técnica;...
1965 ??: K18 - 8W |
D: Nordmende, Norddeutsche Mende-Rund...
1962 ?: Kadett E V125 |
ZZ: Unknown to us - Worldwide
1965 ??: Kaiserlich HiFi 8 Transistor |
NL: Philips; Eindhoven (tubes internat...
1976 ?: Karstadt PH 8242 /59 |
J: Panasonic, Matsushita, National ナシ...
1958 ??: KE6 |
J: Pioneer Corporation; Tokyo
1998 ?: KEH-P4000 |
J: Hitachi Ltd.; Tokyo
1960/61 : Kelly Transistor 8 WH-822H |
D: Akkord-Radio + Akkord Elektronik (...
1970 ?: Kessy 800 |
J: Hitachi Ltd.; Tokyo
1970 ??: KH1007 |
P: Unknown - CUSTOM BUILT: Portugal (P)
1965 ?: King 700M Ch= Grundig |
D: Siemens (& Halske, -Schuckert Werk...
1970–72 : Klangmeister RS141 Electronic |
USA: Kmart Corporation, S.S. Kresge Cor...
1980 ??: Kmart 82-3000 |
Click numbers for additional pages of Manuel Albano
Neves's collection of radios and other
collectibles if any.
Our member Manuel Albano Neves opened
his/her collection of radios and other related
items on 27.Nov.2013.
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