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Broadcasting station - * Museum_en

Country Language English Created on 21.Oct.2015

englischsprachige Audioclips für den Museumsfinder

3981 play
Music English 25 Sec. MP3  400.05 KB
Heribert Jung   11.Jun.2016
Record date 30.Jul.2003
Recorded by Heribert Jung
Recording device analoge Viodeokamera
Model Theremin
RCA (RCA Victor Co. Inc.); New York (NY)
Ein Junge hat Spaß mit dem Theremin.
usa_rca_theremin_boy.jpg (2343153)
Heribert Jung07.Jan.2019
eigenes Foto
A Boy has fun making music with his hands up.
4021 play
Music English 29 sec. MP3  468.60 KB
Heribert Jung   27.Jun.2016
Record date 06.Jul.2013
Recorded by Heribert Jung
Recording device Power-Mac
Quelle SWR Eisenbahnromantik Folge 790
irland_lartigue_monorailway.jpg (2008515)
Heribert Jung27.Jun.2016
Manfred Kopka
Listowel and Ballybunion Railway - Lartigue Monorailway Foto: Manfred Kopka 2006
4101 play
Music English 19 Secunden MP3  311.86 KB
Heribert Jung   24.Oct.2016
Recorded by
And the Laxey Wheel keeps turning, turning, turning, In Lady Isabella's memory, And while the water flows The Laxey Wheel still goes And the Laxey river runs down to the sea.
4141 play
Music English 16 Secunden MP3  253.91 KB
Heribert Jung   20.Feb.2017
Broadcast from (year) 1998
Record date 09.Oct.1998
Recorded by Heribert Jung
Recording device Videokamera
Güterzug überquert die Keddie Wye Bridge.
4201 play
Music 1 Minute MP3  487.48 KB
Heribert Jung   17.Mar.2017
Record date 20.Jun.1999
Recorded by Museum
Recording device analoge Viodeokamera
Model Victrola VV-IX (VV-9)
RCA (RCA Victor Co. Inc.); New York (NY)
grammophon_in_ardenwood.jpg (2089462)
Heribert Jung17.Mar.2017
Museum in Ardenwood Historic Farm, CA
Grammophon in Patterson house in Ardenwood Historic Farm, Californien
4661 play
Interval Signal (IS) / Identification (ID) 11 Sekunden MP3  181.26 KB
Heribert Jung   06.Jan.2019
Broadcast from (year) 1929
Broadcast to (year) 2003
Record date 21.Jul.2003
Recorded by Heribert Jung
Recording device analoge Viodeokamera
Satteltankdampflok 17
4681 play
Interval Signal (IS) / Identification (ID) 6 Sekunden MP3  102.49 KB
Heribert Jung   07.Jan.2019
Broadcast from (year) 1929
Record date 01.Sep.1996
Recorded by Heribert Jung
Recording device analoge Viodeokamera
Mitfahrt auf der Baldwin ex-logging locomotiv
port_alberni_lok_mitfahrt.jpg (2343167)
Heribert Jung07.Jan.2019
eigenes Foto
Canada, BC, Alberni Valley Museum
Mitfahrt auf der Baldwin ex-logging locomotiv
4701 play
Interval Signal (IS) / Identification (ID) 9 Sekunden MP3  149.43 KB
Heribert Jung   07.Jan.2019
Record date 01.Sep.1996
Recorded by Heribert Jung
Recording device analoge Viodeokamera
BC Forest Discovery Centre: Hillcrest Lumber Company #1 Shay (class B) (​914 mm gauge)
canada_bc_duncan_shay.jpg (2343173)
Heribert Jung07.Jan.2019
eigenes Foto
BC Forest Discovery Centre: Hillcrest Lumber Company #1 Shay (class B) (​914 mm gauge)
5161 play
Music English 0:46 MP3  1.07 MB
Heribert Jung   16.Mar.2020
Record date 18.Oct.1998
Recorded by Heribert Jung
Recording device analoge Viodeokamera
Wurlitzer Style B Orchestrion, im The Musee Mecanique, USA, CA, San Francisco
wurlitzer_style_b_orchestri.jpg (2498908)
Heribert Jung16.Mar.2020
eigenes Foto
Wurlitzer Style B Orchestrion, im The Musee Mecanique, USA, CA, San Francisco
5162 play
Music 0:10 MP3  249.42 KB
Heribert Jung   16.Mar.2020
Record date 18.Oct.1998
Recorded by Heribert Jung
Recording device analoge Viodeokamera
Gustav Stingl Orchestrion im The Musee Mecanique, USA, CA, San Francisco
5163 play
Music 0:38 MP3  901.47 KB
Heribert Jung   16.Mar.2020
Record date 18.Oct.1998
Recorded by Heribert Jung
Recording device analoge Viodeokamera
Seeburg Piano im The Musee Mecanique, USA, CA, San Francisco.
6221 play
Interval Signal (IS) / Identification (ID) Andere / Others 0:07 MP3  113.06 KB
Heribert Jung   15.Apr.2022
Record date 01.Jun.2019
Recorded by Wikipedia Author: Djringjr
This is a recording made of recreation of the spark transmitter of the Massie Wireless Station "PJ" spark gap transmitter made by Dr. John S. Belrose, VE2CV. The Morse code messages is "CQ DE PJ" which means "calling all stations this is PJ."

This station entry was created by administrator Heribert Jung.


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