Recording Details

Very last transmission from Moosbrunn (AUT) BC site, recording site: Luzern (CH)

Recording Date
2025-12-31 09:42:45+01:00
17683 Seconds
Recording Location
Luzern, Switzerland (CH) (08° 18′ 49″ O / 47° 3′ 38″ N)
SW 49m
Frequency Range
5965.0 kHz - 6215.0 kHz
250.0 kHz
Recording Device
Hari Delta Loop, 80m
Band Middle Frequency
6090.0 kHz
intrinsic filters of the SDR
Pre-Amplifier Settings
no preamp
12:00 until 14:00 UTC change from 6055 to 6070 kHz; the program contains a repetition of the ′Kurzwellenpanorama′ from 1974 during the celebration of the 50th anniversary of Austrian broadcasting (1974), the last interview with Wolf Harranth (founder of the ′Dokumentationsarchiv Funk′) and many historic details on the development of broadcasting in Austria since 2024
Recorded by
Gianni Müller


Forum / Comments / Addition Information


Radio Stations

Frequency SNR S-Level Country Programme TX Site TX Power Remarks
6005.0 kHz 30 SVK Radio Slovakia Kall-Krekel
6030.0 kHz 20 USA Radio Marti Greenville
6055.0 kHz 61 AUT Radio Austria (from 12:00: 6070: SM Radio Dessau) Moosbrunn
6070.0 kHz 50 D Channel 292la:de,en,nl,it Rohrbach/Waal 93
6085.0 kHz 45 D various Kall/Auf der Heide
6115.0 kHz 30 D Radio SE-TA 2 Gera; HFCC: Hartenstein
6130.0 kHz 49 HOL Radio Europa Alpen aan den Rijn
6150.0 kHz 30 D Europa 24IGHF-Interessengemeinschaft Hochfrequenztechnik e.V. Datteln;
6160.0 kHz 30 D Shortwave Goldcarries Shortwave Radio and other programmes Winsen an der Aller
6180.0 kHz 28 D Deutscher Wetterdienst 12:00 - 12:30 Pinneberg
6190.0 kHz 25 not identified not identified, from 13:00 on not identified