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History of the manufacturer  

Elevam エレバム, Miyata Seisakujo; Tokyo

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Name: Elevam エレバム, Miyata Seisakujo; Tokyo    (J)  
Abbreviation: elevam
Products: Tube manufacturer

Miyata Seisakujo
5-569 Araijuku, Ohta-Ku, Tokyo

Tube brand : Elevam エレバム

See also MSE.

The company made a wide range of tubes such as the KX-112B and included standard American types such as the UX201A and 227.

Founded: 1917
The company was founded in 1917 as Miyata Seisakusho and by the following year was manufacturing Fleming and de Forest style tubes. This was as a request of the Shimazu Company, at the request of schools. This would have been for wireless experiments.


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