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History of the manufacturer  

Carter Electronics Corporation; Dallas (TX)

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Name: Carter Electronics Corporation; Dallas (TX)    (USA)  
Abbreviation: carterelec
Products: Model types

Carter Electronics Corporation; 6762 Greenville Avenue, Dallas 31, Texas.

Communications Equipment. Brand: Carterfone

Founded by Tom Carter in about 1946.
Extract from: by Ellen Wojahn, Apr 1, 1984:
Tom Carter was the first to win the right to compete against American Telephone & Telegraph Co. Had he not filed the antitrust action that, in 1968, convinced the Federal Communications Commission to allow the interconnection of non-Bell apparatus with the Bell System's phone lines, Americans might still be getting everything -- from telephone handsets to answering machines and computer modems -- from AT&T.

This manufacturer was suggested by Wolfgang Scheida.

Some models:
Country Year Name 1st Tube Notes
USA  60 Carterfone C-3-L or C-3-M or C-3-H   Carter Carterfone C-3-L, M & H; Early Modem as "Protective Coupler" which enables mobil... 


Further details for this manufacturer by the members (rmfiorg):

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