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History of the manufacturer  

Naval Instruments; St. Petersburg

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Name: Naval Instruments; St. Petersburg    (RUS)  
Abbreviation: navalinst
Products: Model types Others

Naval Instruments; St. Petersburg

The Company was established for naval instruments production, in XX. century including some electrical devices. During 70-80's each special/military company had a duty to produce products for civil/commercial trade too, see Антенна Маяк 2

Founded: 1721
Production: 1721 -

Company was founded as a Instrument workshop, later it was a few times renamed to the actual one, Naval Instruments Co.

This manufacturer was suggested by Gabriel Toth.

Some models:
Country Year Name 1st Tube Notes
RUS  80 Antenna Maâk 2 {Антенна Маяк 2} АТP-6.20 {АТП-6.20}    


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