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History of the manufacturer  

Unknown - CUSTOM BUILT: Chile

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Name: Unknown - CUSTOM BUILT: Chile    (RCH)  
Abbreviation: unknownrch
Products: Model types

Unknown - CUSTOM BUILT: Chile

Listing for all sets of unknown manufacturer from Chile.

If it is surely a homebrew set, please distinguish between HOMEBREW - Contemporary for sets constructed in their times, HOMEBREW - New which are recent but aren't replicas, and HOMEBREW - Replica for models that imitate / replicate old radio receivers.

Please look up the possible models to upload your pictures. Give all details about the set you have - there might be someone who can tell you more about your set. Your name is shown automatically - to members only.

This manufacturer was suggested by Mario Tieke.

Some models:
Country Year Name 1st Tube Notes
RCH  67 Cosmosonic Osaka 12BE6  220 V con resistencia Short Wave: 6 - 18 MHz (50 - 15 m) The dial says "Longwav... 


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