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History of the manufacturer  

Sarapoul Orjonikidze Radio Works

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Name: Sarapoul Orjonikidze Radio Works    (SU)  
Abbreviation: sarapoul

This factory was formed in November, 1941, when "Orjonikidze Radio Works No. 203" was relocated from Moscow because Wehrmacht troops came too close to the USSR capital. The new factory hold the same name, "Orjonikidze Radio Works No. 203", and kept it even after Moscow factory reinstated its manufacturing in 1945. Starting 1946, several civil models came into production along with continuing military production. The very first civil models have been "Ural-47" and "Ural-49" desktop receivers.

Founded: 1941

Some models:
Country Year Name 1st Tube Notes
SU  64 Cosmos Kosmos {Космос} M {М} [MW] ГТ309  With battery charger for two NiCd-accus, leather case, carrying strap. Different colo... 
SU  68 Cosmos Kosmos {Космос} M {М} [LW] ГТ309  Only longwave. With battery-charger for two NiCD, leather-case, carring strap. Different... 
SU  66 Orljonok (Orlionok) - Орлёнок (Орленок)   Der Orljonok ist ein kleiner Taschenempfänger. Zum Lieferumfang gehört ein kleines Ladeger... 
SU  66 Rubin - Rubis L {Рубин Л} T7 {Т7} ГТ310  only longwave 150-408 kHz. No output transformer,but special speaker with 3 leads. 2 le... 
SU  66 Rubin M {Рубин М} T7 {Т7}    
SU  70 Луч Ray, Lutsch ГТ322  available for OIRT and CCIR. 
SU  58 Kometa {Комета} [Radiogramophone] 6Н3П  Loudspeakers 2x2W and 2x1W. Record player 33 and 78 rpm, piezoelectric tone-arm model ZPK-... 
SU  53 Ural {Урал} 53 [Radiogramophone] 6А7  Record player for 33 and 78 rpm. 
SU  57 Ural {Урал} 57 [Radiogramophone] 6А7  Record player for 33 and 78 rpm. Loudspeakers 2x2W. 
SU  52 Ural {Урал} 52 [radiogramophone] 6А7  Record player - only 78 rpm. Electromagnetic tone-arm. 
SU  51–57 Moskvič - Москвич V - В [variant 4] 6А7  There was three variants schemat modernize with 3 tubes radio "Moskvich-B" at first time(s... 
SU  49–57 Moskvič - Москвич V - В [variant 1] 6А10С  There were three small schema modernize variants in the intervening period. After fourth s... 


Further details for this manufacturer by the members (rmfiorg):

Logo in 1969.tbn_su_sarapoul_uralauto_logo2.jpg
Logo in 1971. Thaks for Mr.Gömör Géza, Budapest, Hungary!tbn_su_sarapoul_cosmosm_front_logo.jpg
Var 1.tbn_su_sarapoul_cosmos_m_logo1.jpg
Var 2.tbn_su_sarapoul_cosmos_m_logo2.jpg


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