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History of the manufacturer  

Baird (brand) - John Logie, Ltd.(Television); Scophony-Baird; London

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Name: Baird (brand) - John Logie, Ltd.(Television); Scophony-Baird; London    (GB)  
Abbreviation: baird2
Products: Model types Brand

Television Ltd.
22 Frith Street, London W1 (1925)
Motorgraph House, Upper St Martins Lane, London WC (Feb. 1926)
133 Long Acre, London WC (Feb. 1928)

Baird Television Development Company

Baird International Television Ltd.
133 Long Acre, London WC2 (ca. 1928)



Baird Television Ltd.
Admin Office, 58 Victoria Street, London SW1 (1934)
Sales Dept., 133 Long Acre, London WC2 (1934)

John Logie Baird Ltd.
4 Upper Grosvenor St., London W1 (1947)

Scophony-Baird Ltd.
Wells, Somerset (1949)

Baird Television Ltd. (1952)

In 1939 Baird possibly manufactured Photo Electric Cells which were used in the Photo-Electric Incendiary Bomb Detector.

Founded: 1925

The history of Baird is complicated and marked by multiple takeovers, mergers, and renamings and involves more than one company only.

Baird today is a brand that is used for consumer electronics such as LCD and plasma TVs.

Television Ltd. was registered on 11th June 1925 with John Logie Baird as 'electrical engineer' and W.E.L. Day as 'merchant'.

Founding of Baird Television Development Company to acquire the rights to John Logie Baird's television system from Television Ltd.

Incorporation of Baird International Television Ltd., with a controlling interest in Baird Television Development.

Baird International absorbed Baird Television Development and changed its name to Baird Television Ltd. In the same year, Scophony Ltd. was founded by Solomon Sagall with the goal of developing the system invented by G.W. Walton. Partners are Gaumont British, Ferranti Electric, and Oscar Deutsch (chairman of Odeon Theatres).

Baird announces that from June on they will undertake all manufacturing themselves and cease working with Bush Radio.
Scophony gets active in the USA, opening an office in New York City and beginning demonstrations and other activities preliminary to establishing a manufacturing and distributing business there.

Baird Television is acquired by Cinema-Television Ltd., part of Gaumont-British.

Scophony, after getting into financial trouble, enters financing contracts with American motion picture and television interests, including Paramount and General Precision.

Scophony acquires John Logie Baird Ltd. and the associate company W. Andrew Bryce and Co., manufacturer of transformers and components. A new factory at Wells is set up and television production at the Wembley factory is expanded.

The company is renamed Scophony-Baird Ltd.

The company changes its name to Baird Television Ltd.

Baird is acquired by Radio Rentals.

The now defunct Baird brand is used by Radio Rentals for television and radio receiving sets.

Radio Rentals is taken over by Thorn Electrical Industries.

Caversham Finance Limited, previously a subsidiary of Thorn Group plc, is taken private.

The name Baird is registered with seniority date 17. Nov. 1989 by Caversham Trading Ltd., 5 Hercules Way, Leavesden Park, Watford WD25 7GS. This company is incorporated on 17 March 2005. Caversham Finance Ltd. does retailing and rental business as BrightHouse (founded in 1994).

Caversham is bought by private equity company Vision Capital.

This manufacturer was suggested by Georg Richter.

Some models:
Country Year Name 1st Tube Notes
GB  49 T164 CRM92A  405 Line "Portable"-TV with built-in antenna, 9" Mazda CRT, Portable means moveable inside... 
GB  48 T163 [London] Z77  405 Line "Portable" TV with built-in antenna, 9" GEC CRT, Portable means moveable inside t... 
GB  65 298 AF114  Similar circuit to model 296. Made by Radio Rentals. 
GB  56 301 ECC85  Made by Radio Rentals. 
GB  49 T163 [Birmingham] Z77  405 Line "Portable" TV with built-in antenna, 9" GEC CRT; Portable means moveable inside t... 
GB  63 262 OC44  Bands: MW + 1500 m preset on LW. No MW / LW switch,  single 1500m tuning point at ... 
GB  63 266 OC44  Alternative transistors 3x AF117, OC81D, 2x OC81. Made by Radio Rentals. 
GB  63 268 (M268) AF117  Socket for car aerial. This set has a Baird badge. Slightly modified version of 264. Sa... 
GB  29 Televisor with Nipkow Disc combined with Radio Receiver   Nipkow disk television receiver combined with radio receiver. 
GB  31 Television Camera   Caméra de télévision transportable. 
GB  32 Television Camera with Weiller drum   Drum television camera after Weiller. 
GB  99 Doublet with ID=163982   One of the first television sets sold commercially in any quantity. Most probably manufact... 


Further details for this manufacturer by the members (rmfiorg):

Thanks for Mr.Tóth Ferenc, Hungary, Pomáz and Első Zalai Rádiómúzeum Alapítvány, First Zala County Radio Museum Foundation (
Baird showing his TV transmitter. Radio Internacional (Radio News en español), marzo 1926tbn_gb_baird_showing_his_tv_transmitter.jpg
Baird transmitting his own face. Radio Internacional (Radio News en español), marzo 1926tbn_gb_baird_transmitting_his_own_face.jpg
Television Oct 1929, Cover. worldradiohistory.comtbn_gb_baird2_television_oct_1929_cover.jpg
Baird Televisor Components including the Baird Grid Cell. Television Apr 1934, Page 138. worldradiohistory.comtbn_gb_baird2_television_apr_1934_page_138.jpg


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