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History of the manufacturer  

Wagner Stein y Compañia S.A.; Santiago de Chile

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Name: Wagner Stein y Compañia S.A.; Santiago de Chile    (RCH)  
Abbreviation: wagner-st
Products: Model types

Wagner Stein y Compañia S.A. in Santiago de Chile, represented and manufactured many germany brands, one of these was SABA.

" Wagner Stein y Compañia S.A." in Santiago de Chile, represented and manufactured many germany brands, one of these was SABA.

This manufacturer was suggested by Víctor Caselli-Diaconescu.

Some models:
Country Year Name 1st Tube Notes
RCH  70 Saba T-200 PC900  B&W Television set, VHF band, A59-11W CRT. 
RCH  75 Saba WST Hymnus II Quadrosonic 8000   Saba WST Hymnus II Quadrosonic 8000;Lettering in German. Set of 4 speaker included. 
RCH  74 Saba Transcontinent   Receptor de Fabricación Chilena con licencia Alemana SABA. Frecuencias: MW 530-1600... 


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