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Museum finder - Search for nearby museums

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To map with within 6 mi found 1 Museums

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(1) Världsarvet Grimeton AB - WORLD HERITAGE GRIMETON = Geographical starting point of search
432 98 Grimeton
Radiostationen Grimeton 72
N57.114331° E12.404058°
N57°6.85986' E12°24.24348'
N57°6'51.5916" E12°24'14.6088"
During high season, English guided tours are held once a day at 12.15.
Self-check-in: The ticket includes a QR code, allowing you to access to the Transmitter Hall and the Exhibition between 10.00-15.00 on weekdays not covered by our regular opening hours.

During high season, English guided tours are held once a day at 12.15.
Självincheckning: Biljetten innehåller en QR-kod som ger dig tillgång till Sändarsalen och Utställningen mellan 10.00-15.00 på vardagar som inte omfattas av våra ordinarie öppettider.
The visitor's centre is open daily during summer.
Museum name Distance
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Opening hours

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