EMMCO, Schartl and Schultz early history 1926.

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EMMCO, Schartl and Schultz early history 1926. 
07.Apr.21 09:59

Gary Cowans (AUS)
Articles: 106
Count of Thanks: 2
Gary Cowans

A Prominent Engineer

Radio users who are familiar with the famous Emmco radio parts will probably be interested to know something of the company that is responsible for the manufacture of radio products of such indisputable efficiency. Mr. J. Schartl, managing director of the Electricity Meter Manufacturing Company, Limited, is one of the most interesting personalities of the engineering world in Australia to-day.

Born at Vienna, in October 1884, and educated a that city, he spent 12 years in the largest engineering organisation in Europe, in association with Siemens, Halske, of Vienna, Siemens Bros., at Berlin, A.E.G., and with Siemens, Schuckert, Berlin. He also spent some time at Budapest, and with Ziess and Co., of Jena-manufacturers of the world-famous glasses. In 1911, Mr. Schartl arrived in Australia and was appointed to the Postmaster General's Department, where he spent two years in the telegraph operating room. Two years later he commenced the business of general engineering, being joined in this by Mr. Schultz, also now a director of the Electricity Meter Manufacturing Company, Ltd. The premises occupied by the partners eventually becoming too small, they moved into larger ones in Wentworth Avenue, and, two years later, from thence to a larger factory at Darlinghurst.

During the whole of this period, Mr. Schartl was endeavouring to concentrate his engineering ability upon some particular product which could be manufactured here under mass production methods, and which would fulfil a definite need in Australia.

Finally, he decided upon the electricity meter, which to-day is used in house lighting service right throughout the Commonwealth. It should be remembered that at the time production of the famous Beta watt-hour meter was commenced, £150,000 worth of meters were being imported into the. Commonwealth annually.

So, from the company of Schartl and Schultz, has now grown the tremendous organisation known as the Electricity Meter Manufacturing Company, Limited which gives employment to 500 Australian workers and it has been said by visiting experts, that the system employed in the huge factory. premises of the company is the finest and most efficient in Australia which speaks volumes for the wonderful organising ability of its managing director.

Only last year, Mr. Schartl returned from a nine-month tour of the world, during which he inspected all the big American, British, and European engineering concerns, with a view to perfecting the manufacturing organisation of his own company in Australia. His experience is fully reflected in the efficiency of the factory now turning out Emmco parts.

The Queensland Radio News, September 1, 1926, page 34.

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