Radio Museum or Radio-Museum: > 183,000 models are displayed

ID: 18904
Radio Museum or Radio-Museum: > 183,000 models are displayed 
07.Jan.04 21:53

Ernst Erb (CH)
Articles: 5746
Count of Thanks: 115
Ernst Erb

Please just enter a model number or name to the model search ...
If you want to know more about a page, please click the blue info button.

Counting at the end of 2010:
This "RadioMuseum" is not only a Radio Museum with over 183,000 radio models on display but also a radio catalogue (catalog) or a reference. You gain access to more than 800,000 pictures of the widest variety of radios and tubes / semiconductors, manufacturers etc. As a member, you enjoy the added benefit of being able to enlarge each radio picture for greater detail. Not only is membership free (except a one time entry fee) but there is also no commercial interest: This virtual Radio Museum is operated and maintained by radio lovers for radio lovers.

Another feature, one that legitimizes its claim to be for serious lovers of old radios, is that this Radio Museum keeps a steadily growing inventory of currently (Dec. 2010) over 346,000 schematics. For the USA alone the figures are 66,200 US models, 68,300 model pictures plus 175,900 schematics (circuits). Members may look at them, enlarge sections and print out whatever they require.

This particular Radio Museum provides a choice of five languages.
To use it in your preferred language is as simple as clicking on the respective flag. The Radio Museum will guide you through its contents with the help of blue info buttons plus the text link «FAQ». The nearby link (above) "Register as new member" leading to membership at Radio Museum can hardly be missed.

Radio Museum originated and is based in Switzerland.

The popularity of Radio Museum is amply documented by an average of daily 135,800 page views by humans plus 45,000 by Search Engines.

A very important aspect for you could be the opportunity to participate in the Forum at the Radio Museum. As a (future?) member you would enjoy that privilege. While on the German site, forum discussions on all conceivable radio matters are in full swing, traffic in English is still somewhat lacking. It’s hoped this will change once there are more members using that language. has 7370 members and is still growing. 2170 of them use English as their language. 910 are from the USA, 174 from the UK and 99 from Canada. 

What is the aim of Radio Museum?
Any reference as a book - even in loose-leaf form - can never be completely up-to-date. The virtual radio catalogue, on the other hand, is constantly updated as new information is coming in. Thus, anyone interested in collecting and repairing radios - be it a beginner or an old hand at it - and who turns to the Internet for the most up-to-date information, will most likely find it at the RadioMuseum.

The aim is to develop Radio Museum into the Virtual Radio Museum and the most complete reference work for Radios worldwide. Except for some late-model home sets, the target has been reached for radios produced in countries where use of the German language is predominant.

To achieve the stated overall goal, it will be necessary that collectors all over the world continue to actively participate in this project by uploading any and all information not already available within RadioMuseum. Every entry is monitored by two model admins which fill in corrections if necessary and after that accept. But still then has to make daily efforts to gradually get good quality and completness. As a guest, you are invited to send us corrections (with reasons) by using the Contact Form - where you can also send pictures which will be displayed in your name (please state what you yould like to see as courtesy remark). 

The radio catalogue within Radio Museum offers as additional benefit to collectors such information   -  by model  -  as prices paid by other collectors, repair experience by members, technical data and more. To facilitate the direct exchange, selling and buying by members, Radio Museum has introduced the “Market”. Much liked is the opportunity for members to show off their own collection (or part of it) in a specially designed area of the collector’s profile and also on the respective model pages. Active members of Radio Museum do this by uploading pictures from their own collection to model pages.

The existing text platform, “Papers” at Radio Museum, deserve special attention. This section allows to preserve, for later perusal exceptionally good articles, either from club periodicals or other sources, as well as so far unpublished papers may be found there. Retrieval is made easy by search engines provided by RadioMuseum. 

You will find certain articles / contributions by members of Radio Museum top-ranking at “Google”. Check this out by starting a search entering a seldom used term (appearing in one of those articles). For example, look up “AEG 709WK” or “Druckknopfabstimmung”. The author’s name will also get you there; just try “Marvin J. Glassman” - first of 18,800 occurrences - or "Konrad Birkner" (first of 39,200) !

Convinced now that Radio Museum provides many exciting opportunities? No doubt, a very much alive museum for real Radio Lovers!

If you like to know about membership please click this link and read carefully. is not meant for persons who need a schematic in the last second but needs caring members with a true existance. Therefore we have built in some hurdles - needed for quality too.

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The answer from a member about RMorg 
30.Dec.10 21:04
6401 from 47377

Ernst Erb (CH)
Articles: 5746
Count of Thanks: 96
Ernst Erb

I just received an eMail from a member who entered RMorg a year ago - but strated activity only 3 months ago - showing now a very nice collection. I was interested what triggered him eventually and got this reply:

I started collecting radios almost three years ago.  I was looking for something to fill some empty spaces in my new home and thought a couple of antique radios would look nice.  They weren't working of course, so since I have been involved in electronics as a hobby and my work for most of my life I decided to fix them.  I enjoyed it so much that I bought more...and then more!  It has now become quite an enjoyable hobby, although I am running out of places to put them.
When I started out looking for information about old radios on the internet, I found the Radiomuseum and relied on it often as a primary source of reliable information.  I try to present my radios in as close to visually original condition as possible, with correct tube types, knobs and even tube shields and Radiomuseum has helped many, many times with this. ( I am not quite so good at woodworking, so I usually leave the wooden cabinets as I find them except for minor repairs.)

After a time I decided I should become a member so I could have access to everything available.  I had always intended to upload what pictures and information I had, but I was very busy at work, and during most of my spare time I was buying and fixing radios, so I kept putting it off.  Finally, several months ago work slowed down a bit so I took some vacation time and made it a project to start uploading my collection. 
It feels good to give back pictures and what other information I can so that others may continue to have an ever expanding reference source.  It must be a nearly impossible task to verify everything yourselves and I have suggested several changes along the way to existing models to help with accuracy, as I think it is very important. 
I will continue to upload pictures, schematics and anything else I can that is of help as well as suggestions regarding accuracy when I find a possible error.  I think you are all doing a great job with the Radiomuseum and hope for it to be around for a very long time.  Thank you very, very much for all your efforts.

This may be a typical view - but it is naturally seldom to get such nice answers. Normally I have to deal with factual problems. I will see if I find some typical texts from new members to put some here.

I thank all members who have given something back to which again helps other collectors. It is wonderful to see that we have some members who not only upload their own models but do some additional work to enrich or correct model pages or write good articles. I hope this spirit will stay - or even grow.

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 3 worldwide 
08.Jun.11 07:09
7295 from 47377

Ernst Erb (CH)
Articles: 5746
Count of Thanks: 97
Ernst Erb

Here it was after 6 in the morning today, when I wanted to compare some figures.
Therefore I clicked the special blue button for motigo webstats on the Homepage below left (scrolling down).

i know that at this time we have the second lowest hour in traffic - but it is spread over the Earth. So I took two pictures, the second after two minutes. See below. Then I compared with AWstats and saw that the server delivered yesterday 208,704 pages to nearly 20,000 different users - with a traffic of 8.61 GB. But this was the highest traffic in this month, declining a bit in the Summer time. On top of that come the Searching Engines ... They called up 881,748 pages this month - so an  average of 100,000 a day ... Less than half of that traffic is Google - but by resulting (users coming by Google versus other SEs) it is more than 90 %!


Also at this time there is quite some traffic, changing by seconds ...


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What is the result of our common work? 
19.Oct.11 21:22
7975 from 47377

Ernst Erb (CH)
Articles: 5746
Count of Thanks: 98
Ernst Erb

Sometimes it is exasperating when thinking how much work still lies before us - and one thinks: "Is this worth all the troubles when you work voluntarily for many hours a week, year for year". We work hard to reach the goal of having a good and most complete reference work for antique radios and related. We show now 198 320 model pages and more than 50 thousand tube/semiconductor pages - with a million of pictures/schematics - and we still see more empty spots than we want - and errors which we try to correct if we know ... We can't see the end of the tunnel!

It is now nearly a month ago I was looking for quantitative comparisons on visitors.
Of course I know the popular websites a bit and I also know that in the U.S., our hobby is much more common than with us. One can also ask Google - e.g. for "antique radios" to analyze - and scroll through the first few pages. That does not help much. There are also various external "counters" - as you will see below on the left of our HP, but a few radio sites use the same.

I knew Alexa and Compete, both of which, like others, try to find reliable figures for the advertising industry. Say a Nielsen service for the Internet - but publicly accessible for some figures. Compete knows e.g. the Internet behavior of 2 million Americans exactly. Compete publishes monthly the number of "Unique users per month" for frequently visited sites. These figures I have collected for 44 radio and tube sites. Kindly, our member Stephan Weigelt has translated this into a graphic that you see below. It includes 44 of the most important sites for antique radios or tubes. Only for us and Antiqueradios (ARF, a forum with pictures) Compete claims to have enough data, to be exact. What astonished me: We are the leader for the U.S. even though the U.S. in August 2011 accounted for only 12.75 of our traffic, that is one eighth of our visitors! Let us assume that the ratio for ARF is reversed, then we are therefore asked eight times more - than the next-most popular radio / Tube site! ARF then is more than twice visited as often as the next - etc.


What surprised me more: The figures for the British Association BVWS, which for several years now is a natural English-interesting site that publishes books, its own magazine, performs its own auctions, etc. The French club site with much more content than BVWS or NVHR Club did even not show up ... In the last 10 sites you can not really capture who has more visitors as the figures are rather random by lack of quantity. Compared to RMorg they have a share of a single-digit part per thousand!

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