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The AWA Journal

Quarterly Bulletin of the Antique Wireless Association, Inc.
English | Hobbyist Journal
Author Editor
Antique Wireless Association
Publisher ISBN
AWA - Antique Wireless Association, United States of America (USA)
Bloomfield, NY
Date of issue / Date of first publication Periodicity
2004 first quarter month
Format Pages
Print Type Type
Hobbyist Journal
Short Description
The AWA Journal is a quarterly publication of The Antique Wireless Association. It was formerly called The Old-Timers Bulletin (through 1999) and The OTB (2000-2003). Its title was changed to The AWA Journal in 2004.
It is not to be confused with The AWA Review, which is an annual publication of articles too long for publication in the quarterly journal.
The Antique Wireless Association's vision is: "To preserve and share the history of technology used to communicate and entertain from the first telegram to today's wireless text messaging."
Thus, The AWA Journal's articles are typically historical in nature, rather than repair/restoration information.
AWA created a museum that engages visitors to want to learn more about communications specifically and technology generally. This 'Fourth Generation Museum' (4th location) is located in Bloomfield, NY


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