The Chabówka Rolling-Stock Heritage Park "Skansen"
34-720 Chabówka, Poland |
Address |
Floor area | unfortunately not known yet |
Opening times
working days 7-15; Saturday, Sunday, public holiday 7-19
w dni robocze 7-15; w soboty niedziele i dni wolne 7-19
Status from 03/2013
children 4-14 years old: 2,5PLN; adults (14 or older) 5PLN Special tickets for photography/filming: 10PLN and 25PLN respectively |
Contact |
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Location / Directions |
Es befindet sich auf dem Gelände eines ehemaligen Bahnbetriebswerks mit Lokschuppen aus der Zeit des Zweiten Weltkriegs. |
Description | The Chabówka Rolling-Stock Heritage Park "Skansen"The Chabówka Rolling Stock Heritage Park "Skansen" or Open Air Museum was opened in 1993 on the site of the old steam depot which was constructed during World War II. The collection of historical exhibits began in the middle of the 1980s and consists of a growing number of interesting steam locomotives, electric and diesel locomotives, snow ploughs and rail mounted cranes plus a selection of heritage carriages and freight wagons. Some of the steam locomotives have been restored to working order and are now available for use with heritage rolling stock from the Skansen.The Skansen is located at the Western end of one of the most beautiful and scenic lines in Poland running from Chabówka to Nowy Sacz. This line was never electrified or greatly modernised, so retains most of its original buildings, signaling and infrastructure. Today the Skansen displays one of the largest and most interesting collections of railway exhibits, rolling stock and artifacts anywhere in Poland. A large number of which are in operational condition. Each year it is visited by thousands of Polish and Foreign tourists who can watch the Skansen staff carry out their labour of love restoring and maintaining the historic locomotives and rolling stock. It is a credit to the staff that whilst Spielberg was filming his famous "Schindler's List" all locomotive and rolling stock requirements were provided by the Skansen. The Chabówka Rolling-Stock Heritage Park offers you:An exhibition of about 90 historical railway wehicles (Steam Locomotives, Diesel Motor Units, Heritage Diesel/Electric Locomotives, Carriages, freight cars, mail vans and special luggage vans),Hire of steam locomotives and carriages with cars arranged according to customers instructions, Renting steam engines, wagon cars, historical arrangement of cars by epoch for photographic or filming, Organization of special events, Consultation regarding the maintenance of historical railway vehicles, Renovations of the historical rolling-stock, steam engine and high-pressure boiler repair, Nice mainly en-suite bedroom accommodation in 2,3 and 4 person rooms at very competitive prices. Guests can have the use of a shared kitchen, barbecue, playground, grill and Car Park. |
Description (other) |
Teren parowozowni założonej pod koniec XIX wieku, w której w latach świetności stacjonowało 80 parowozów, to miejsce, gdzie 100 lat później powstał skansen historii kolejnictwa. Na stale poszerzaną ekspozycję składają się parowozy, lokomotywy elektryczne i spalinowe, wagony oraz tabor specjalny taki jak żurawie, pługi śnieżne itp. Część eksponatów utrzymanych jest w stanie pełnej sprawności. Skansen w Chabówce jest nie tylko największą tego typu ekspozycją w Polsce, ale także najczęściej odwiedzaną. Obecnie Skansen znajduje się w strukturach PKP Cargo S.A.. W 2005 roku została zorganizowana pierwsza "Parowozjada" która wpisała się na stałe w kalendarz imprez kolejowych. Parowozjada'2012 odbyła się w ostatni weekend sierpnia. |
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