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Ardenwood Historic Farm with Patterson House

94555 Fremont, CA, United States of America (USA) (California)

Address 34600 Ardenwood Blvd.
Floor area unfortunately not known yet  
Museum typ Exhibition
Open Air Museum
  • Typewriter, calculating and coding
  • Agricultural
  • Craft
  • Telephone / Telex
  • Railway
  • Gramophone (no electrical sound transmission)

Opening times
Tuesday - Sunday: 10am - 4pm
Patterson House: April to mid of November
The Train Ride: April to mid of November

Status from 10/2022
spring-fall: Tues. & Wed. & Sat.: adults: $4; seniors: $3; children (4-17 years): $2
Thurs. & Fri. & Sun.: adults: $6; seniors: $5; children: $4
Winter: Tuesday-Sunday: adults $4; seniors: $3; children: $2

Tel.:+1-510-544-27 97  eMail:help  


Our page for Ardenwood Historic Farm with Patterson House in Fremont, United States of America (USA), is not yet administrated by a member. Please write to us about your experience with this museum, for corrections of our data or sending photos by using the Contact Form to the Museum Finder.

Location / Directions
N37.557969° W122.048724°N37°33.47814' W122°2.92344'N37°33'28.6884" W122°2'55.4064"

Fremont is located in the southeast section of the San Francisco Bay Area in the East Bay region primarily.

Fremont is served by Interstate 880 (Nimitz Freeway) and Interstate 680 (Sinclair Freeway).

Regional rail transportation is provided by BART and the Altamont Commuter Express (ACE). Fremont's BART station serves as the southernmost terminus for the BART system.

The Fremont-Centerville station provides a stopping point for ACE service which travels from Stockton to San Jose and is a Amtrak station.

To Reach The Park

From I-880 in Fremont, take the Decoto Road/Dumbarton Bridge/Highway 84 exit. Go west on Highway 84 toward the Dumbarton Bridge. Take the Ardenwood/Newark Blvd. exit and turn right (north) onto Ardenwood Blvd. The park entrance is ahead, on the right.

Public transportation: Take AC Transit buses #232 or #264 on weekdays and #332 on weekends from Union City BART to the bus stop on Newark Boulevard under the freeway. To return, the bus stop is on Newark Boulevard just south of the freeway in front of the shopping center.

Some example model pages for sets you can see there:

USA: RCA RCA Victor Co. Victrola VV-IX (VV-9) (1911-26?)


Ardenwood Historic Farm is a Regional Historic Landmark in Fremont, California. It is managed by the East Bay Regional Park District. The entire park includes a farm, a large forest and a mansion now called the Patterson House which was first constructed in 1857 by the farm's original owner, George Washington Patterson.

A feature of the park is the Railroad Museum at Ardenwood which operates a 3 ft (914 mm) narrow gauge horse-drawn railway, a recreation of a historic local branch of the South Pacific Coast Railroad. The museum has a collection of narrow gauge railroad cars and other artifacts of 19th Century railroading. The museum is run by the Society for the Preservation of Carter Railroad Resources. presents here one of the many museum pages. We try to bring data for your direct information about all that is relevant. In the list (link above right) you find the complete listing of museums related to "Radio & Co." we have information of. Please help us to be complete and up to date by using the contact form above.



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