Boards and ID numbers to enable SEARCH for individual boards

ID: 175365
Boards and ID numbers to enable SEARCH for individual boards 
18.Oct.08 15:10

Ernst Erb (CH)
Articles: 5745
Count of Thanks: 22
Ernst Erb

With our SEARCH you can select different boards or prevent some for being shown. Se an example in the blue info button of the SEARCH result page.

To do that you need the ID number of those boards, which you use like this:
Baord_id: directy followed (no blank, since a blank is an AND command). In the open board selection drop down menu - or below at the general forum page - you find the number of threads in a board in brackets. Here you get the ID numbers of the boards (maybe I will integrate later as [ID = ..] at the board list:

* TALK - visible for members only 3260
In General 21
FAQ about the radio pages 113
FAQ about the forum 114
FAQ about the link list 115
Your suggestions for FAQ - users only 116
Forum-Moderator-Board 130051
Model-Administrators 24589
Editors 17301
Radio- and technical History
Technical history up to 1919 (Radios) 25
Technical history: 1920 and later 26
Picture and tone processing / recording 5234
Decades of broadcasting 5229
Manufacturer's / brands history
Setmakers (German speaking countries) not in RMorg 28
MANUFACTURERS and TRADE NAMES (present in the museum) 27
Tube manufacturers 29
Set makers in other countries than German speaking (not in RMorg) 5238
Radios and other type of sets (Physics) etc.
Early physics 30
Telegraphy 31
Telephony, Telephones 32
Early radio (sparc etc. before tubes) 33
Television 80
Other sets and related gear 81
Measuring equipment of 20st century (not valve testers) 82
Devices: rare or unknown or self made 36 
Commercial sets (incl. valve testers)
HAM radios 42
Commercial gear (Boatancors) 46
Military before 1930 44
Military equipment 1930 and later 45
Valve / tube testers 48
Valves / tubes - Semiconductors
Tube development up to 1933 50
Tube development after 1933 51
Picture tubes 52
Military valves/tubes 53
Very rare valves or unknown (not in RMorg) 55
Transmitter tubes 56
Industrial valves and Xray tubes 57
Other valves/tubes 58
Semiconductors 162816
Valves / Tubes; practical use and procurement 11124
How to collect radios etc.
Everything about collecting 60
Radios: how to find, what to pay 61
Market 68636
Market (old) 68643
Technique, Repair, Restaurtion, Home construction **
How to store and to treat radios 62
Cleaning and restoring 63
Radios: how to get parts for old radios 64
Tools and measuring equipment 67
Home construction and general radio technique 68
Checks before putting on power 79
Error tracing methods (post to the model if specific) 70
Repair and restauration: Tips and Tricks 71
Alignement of radios: Superhet and TRF 72
Periodicals for Germany 73
Periodicals for Austria 74
Periodicals for Switzerland 75
Periodicals - other than German 76
Literature, Addresses, Events and Clubs
Books 77
Museums and permanent exhibitions 78
Events for radio collectors, Clubs 20748
Nederlands-Dutch-FAQ 121691
Nederlands-Dutch-GENERAL 121695
Suomi-Finnish-FAQ 121534
Suomi-Finnish-GENERAL 121538

Technical History: Beginning up to 1909 105
Radio-History, beginning 1909 106
Professional Radio Communication 61095
Tube Radio kits and kits without tubes 13560
Radio tubes and valves ++ 20317
To collect radios - but how! 110
Documentation to collections 111
Radios: restoring and rebuilding (outside) 109
Basic principles of radio technique 66 
Principles of schematics etc. 107 
Radio Repair (inside) 5786
Digitalized PDF's from old journals 3764 

Generally interested?
Inventions 46100
Interesting Radios 46105
To collect - but how! 46110
How does it work? 46114

To thank the Author because you find the post helpful or well done.