Unknown French tube

ID: 276583
? Unknown French tube 
21.Jan.12 09:15

Peter Hughes (AUS)
Articles: 187
Count of Thanks: 2
Peter Hughes

Does anyone know the manufacturer of this French tube?  Is it a French R tube?




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21.Jan.12 16:49
52 from 6737

Christian ADAM (F)
Articles: 466
Count of Thanks: 3
Christian ADAM

Dear Peter,

Yes, sure; it's a TM, the equivalent and forerunner of the R tube... See the TM Rmorg page...

Best regards, Christian

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Merci bien! 
22.Jan.12 00:18
86 from 6737

Peter Hughes (AUS)
Articles: 187
Count of Thanks: 2
Peter Hughes

Many thanks for your quick response, Christian.  Very helpful.

The owner of the tube is a fellow collector here in Australia.



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