• Año
  • 1968
  • Categoría
  • Radio - o Sintonizador pasado WW2
  • Radiomuseum.org ID
  • 227574
    • alternative name: Radio Corp.of Australia

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 Especificaciones técnicas

  • Numero de transistores
  • 5
  • Principio principal
  • Superheterodino en general; ZF/IF 455 kHz
  • Número de circuitos sintonía
  • 5 Circuíto(s) AM
  • Gama de ondas
  • OM (onda media) solamente
  • Tensión de funcionamiento
  • Red: Corriente alterna (CA, Inglés = AC) / 240 Volt
  • Altavoz
  • Altavoz dinámico (de imán permanente) / Ø 5 inch = 12.7 cm
  • Potencia de salida
  • 0.1 W (unknown quality)
  • Material
  • Plástico moderno (Nunca bakelita o catalina)
  • de Radiomuseum.org
  • Modelo: M6D [Silicon transistors.] - Astor brand, Radio Corporation
  • Forma
  • Sobremesa de tamaño mediano sin botonera <= 35 cm. (Incluso portables pero sólo con alimantación por red).
  • Ancho, altura, profundidad
  • 350 x 120 x 100 mm / 13.8 x 4.7 x 3.9 inch
  • Anotaciones
  • This model is the 3rd generation of a transistor mains powered mantle radio produced by Astor using the same style plastic case. Supercedes earlier model M5D. Virtually indentical in appearance to model M5D, this version is the first to use all silicon transistors.

    Made by Radio Corporation Pty Ltd, Sth. Melbourne Victoria. It is a simple radio with no tone control. With only five transistors, a single output transistor and only two transistors in the AF stage, volume is not high but adequate for household listening. With the speaker only having a small magnet (about 1 inch in diameter) has no significant volume output. On the other hand, the receiver incorporates a 9 inch ferrite rod antenna but without provision for any external antenna. Tuning is by a "Hand-span" dial of 95mm diameter

    Differences between the early and later production runs are noted on the schematic. In addition to a different circuit board, there are five other component values changed.

    The power supply is full wave rectified with a centre tapped mains transformer. The two BA100s provide the rectification with 100µF cap, a 220 Ohm decoupling resistor and a 200µF cap providing the smoothing. Specified output voltage is high ar 17.2 Volts which probably accounts for the AX1167 output transistor having a "Flag" heatsink. The remaining diode provides the AGC voltage.

    This receiver would not comply with modern safety protocols for a mains operated receiver as there in no strain releif where the cord enters the case and the central boss of the tuning knob is in electrical contacts with parts of the tuning cap with only the normal insulation of the three core flex to provide safety. Also the volume control pot, which incorporates the Off/On switch, has a metal knob. Unusually, there is no provision for a dial lamp.

    The service instructions are comprehensive, listing component changes, Alignment equipment and conditions, dial setting, IF alignment and broadcast alignment as well as a full schematic.

    Available in 12 colours: Wedgewood, Spruce, Wattle, Charcoal, Cherry, Cinnamon, Willow, Grey, Flamingo, Squirrel, Yellow Pastel & Coral.

  • Peso neto
  • 1.8 kg / 3 lb 15.4 oz (3.965 lb)
  • Mencionado en
  • Silicon Chip magazine, September 2016. P102
  • Documentación / Esquemas (1)
  • - - Manufacturers Literature (Astor Model M6D-1, 13/9/1968.)
  • Autor
  • Modelo creado por Brian Wilson. Ver en "Modificar Ficha" los participantes posteriores.

 Colecciones | Museos | Literatura


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Contribuciones en el Foro acerca de este modelo: Astor brand, Radio: M6D

Hilos: 1 | Mensajes: 1


Forther research reveals that this is an M5D, the circuit and the PCB are different. The PCB for the M6D is labeled OP79-3



Brian Wilson, 01.Jul.14

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