Informazioni sul produttore  

Arco Tube Company; Newark (NJ)

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Nome: Arco Tube Company; Newark (NJ)    (USA)  
Abbreviazione: arcotube
Prodotti: Altri Costruttore di valvole

Arco Tube Company
38-40 Park Place, Newark, New Jersey (1930)
227 Central Avenue, Newark, New Jersey (1940)

The Arco Tube Company frequently advertised in Radio Craft Magazine. A September 1931 ad states that "These tubes are made by one of the largest Eastern tube manufacturers". The May 1933 issue announces the "Arco Tube Bulletin" - "a descriptive folder giving full characteristics on the complete line of Arco radio receiving and transmitting tubes, photo-electric cells, television lamps, hot and cold cathode tubes, cathode ray tubes, rectifiers and charger bulbs". In October 1939, Arco advertises "We either have the tube you require or we will make it for you".

The 1931 advert seems to indicate the company was a wholesaler and not a manufacturer. However as of now the picture is not 100% clear. They are also listed as manufacturer/distributor of resistors.

Tyne's "Saga of the Vacum Tube" lists Arco Tube Laboratories, New York 1928 but nothing has so far been found to link these two companies.


Questo produttore è stato proposto da Wolfgang Scheida.


Ulteriori particolari per questo produttore inviate dai soci:

Information about Arco tubes in Radio-Craft October 1933tbn_usa_arco_radio_craft_10_1933.jpg
Arco tube logo Ebay September 2018tbn_arco_201a_e1118.jpg
advert "Radio-Craft, Jan. 1932, own coll.tbn_arco_tube_company.jpg


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