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The members in this list have created their personal homepage at by uploading photos of old time radios from their collection to the respective model pages. Click on the blue Info-Button for more information if you wish to get your own homepage here and would like to show your old time radios to the public.

Click this list for suppliers of vintage electronics

Those suppliers of tubes, capacitors, reproduction parts, grill cloth, knobs etc. has been put together of members of and ARF. Most of those suplliers are not members here.

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Result: 1 to 90 from 6230
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Aalto, Jari (FIN) (71) Adoo, Clarence (USA) (2) Albert, Tobias (D) (1)
Abares, Luis (E) (3) Adriani, Glauco (I) (17) Alberti, Alberto (I) (3)
Abdullayev, Jasur (AZ) (2) Aebischer, Kurt (CH) (14) Alberti, Paolo (I) (3)
Abeledo Castro, Antonio (E) (5) Aeby, Philippe (CH) (3) Albinarrate, Javier (RA) (23)
Abella Gracia, Ricardo (E) (1) Aerts †, Albert (B) (50) Albion, John (CDN) (2)
Abelmann, Leon (D) (1) Ageitos Fuentes, David (E) (1) Albrecht, Dirk (D) (1)
Abert, Reiner (D) (1) Agnoletto, Maurizio (I) (2) Albrecht, Thomas (USA) (87)
Abfalterer, Eduard (I) (40) Agnolin, Nico (I) (11) Albright, Ray (USA) (505)
Abian-Moñux, Joaquin (E) (6) Agosto, Davide (I) (2) Alcala-Sanchis, Francisco Javier (E) (3)
Abreu, Ricardo M. (P) (1) Agrosi, Mauro (I) (1) Alcoba Perez, Saul (E) (2)
Acar, Suleyman (TR) (41) Aguilera Medina, Miguel (E) (6) Alderman, David (USA) (1)
Accomazzo, Gian Marco (I) (3) Aguon, Tony (USA) (5) Aldrich, Steve (USA) (1)
Achter, Richard (USA) (1) Agustoni, Matteo (CH) (120) Alegria-Salazar, Pedro (E) (20)
Acquadro, Maurizio (I) (3) Ahl, Jan-Ake (S) (2) Alexander, Abie (USA) (2)
ADAM, Christian (F) (73) Ahlrichs, Norbert (F) (13) Alexiou, Nick (GR) (26)
ADAM, Dieter (D) (123) Ahlström, Staffan (S) (1) Alford, Scott (AUS) (4)
Adamczyk, Christian (D) (2) Ahokas, Ari (FIN) (1) Al-Hakim, Ali (USA) (6)
Adamczyk, Paul (USA) (1) Ahrbecker, Peter (D) (5) Alho, Hannu (FIN) (65)
ADAMI, Fatos (USA) (8) Ahrend, Walter (D) (16) Aljaro Estepa, Juan (E) (30)
Adams, Eric (USA) (80) Aichner, Simon Peter (I) (163) Allan, David (CDN) (4)
Adams, Kevin (CDN) (1) Aigner, Martin (A) (2) Allan, Richard (GB) (5)
Adams, Richard (USA) (50) Akiba, Yasuhisa (J) (1) Allen, Arden (USA) (2)
Adams, Stanley (USA) (4) Akrawi, Abdilkhaliq Sabri (IRQ) (15) Allen, Dale (USA) (34)
Adamson, Stuart (GB) (6) Alatalo, Pasi (FIN) (5) Allen, Ernest (USA) (2)
Adelson, Ryan (CDN) (1) Alba Vilches, Manuel (E) (2) Allen, John (CDN) (134)
Aden, Leif (S) (2) Albach, Gary (CDN) (54) Allen, Leonard (CDN) (18)
Adenholm, Fredrik (S) (2) Albergati, Alessandro (I) (2) Allen, Steve (USA) (1)
Adler, Daniel (D) (1) Albers, Guido (D) (1) Allen, Tom (CDN) (1)
Adnadevic, Perica (RS) (10) Albers, Kai Uwe (D) (6) Allerhand, Adam (USA) (2)
Adolfsen, Matti (FIN) (91) Albert, John (USA) (1) Allgeyer, Karlheinz (D) (1)
Result: 1 to 90 from 6230
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Background: What sense does it make if you have a wonderful collection of old time radios but nobody can see it?
Now you can show it off to the world.

Creating your homepage here by uploading pictures as a member will usually result in your name/collection of old time radios to be found by Google and displayed at the top of the returned list. Example: Search for the name Konrad Birkner in Google - or Edith Mills etc.

As well as old time radios or antique radios, you will also find related items like microphones, loudspeakers, gramophones, amateur radio gear, magnetic tape machines, TVs, transistor radios etc. The topic is old time radios from all over the world - well organized and easy to find. Please join as a member and help build up this radio catalog or radio museum or even "reference book" of old time radios. Just click the "Membership" link in the top left hand corner of the main search page for more information.


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