Bruns Prominent 204

ID: 52072
This article refers to the manufacturer: To the manufacturer

Bruns Prominent 204 
13.May.05 23:14

Mario Coelho (P)
Articles: 454
Count of Thanks: 10
Mario Coelho

Dear Radiofriends

Mr. Vitor Oliveira from Chaves-Portugal ask me to show his radio here in Rmorg. He needs to know it better.
It is a:

I think I choose the right tread :
Manufature - Bruns
Country - Germany

Am I right?

Do you know anything else about it? What is RFT? Is GDR, East German? 

Thank You in advance for Your help


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RFT vs. Bruns? 
14.May.05 00:36

Eilert Menke (D)
Articles: 1031
Count of Thanks: 7

Good evening Mario,

RFT means "Rundfunk- und Fernmeldetechnik". It is a trademark from the former east german (GDR) radio industry. Bruns was the west german importer for GDR sets like this. I think we have some advanced collectors of east german radios here, who can tell us the real manufacturer in the RFT "conglomerate".

Best regards


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Collectors of east german radios 
16.May.05 03:26

Mario Coelho (P)
Articles: 454
Count of Thanks: 9
Mario Coelho

Good evening Eilert

Thank You for your prompt reply.

I also hope some advanced collectors of east german radios add up more information about this rádio set.
I thank them in advance for any information.

Best Regards


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East german radios sold in west germany 
19.Jul.07 02:23

Hartmut Schmidt (D)
Articles: 44
Count of Thanks: 6

Dear Mario, I don't know if you're still interested in background information about RFT-Bruns relationship? Nevertheless, in case of the "Prominent 204" you find all necessary details if you search for "Prominent" and "Stern" here in RMOrg. Then you will find the "Prominent 204". The URL is: About the relation between RFT and Bruns: I lived not far from the "Stern Radio Sonneberg" factory those days and I personally owned a "Prominet" labelled as "Bruns" - very rare in the former GDR because those devices hae been exported exclusively - except mine (and a couple of others of course). As far as I remember there was no single hint about "GDR" visible from the outside. Even the RFT was not printed, also not on the back too, only Bruns. RFT itself was a sort of organisation which losely coupled all Radio- and TV-companies in east germany. Several factories with the label "Stern-Radio" existed (Stern Radio Berlin, Stern Radio Sonneberg, just to name the best known). Over the years the names of the factories as well as their products changed. A nice example is Stern Radio Rochlitz: From the early days if the GDR on they built radios and extended to TVs later on. Then they stopped the production of Radios and TV-set one day and switched over to Computers. I don't know exactly the date but this happened in the 60's. From this point on they did not belog to RFT anymore because RFT (Radio and Transmission Technique) did not cover computers. End of the 70's the factory in Rochlitz started to build TV-sets again. From then on they were back again with RFT. But how to describe the role of "RFT" best? In the east german planned economy each factory had to coordinate their products with potential competitors because competition was not accepted. I think that describes the role of RFT best - they handled the coordination to avoid competion. Even in the last years when the factories have been grown up to "Kombinats" (sort of concern) RFT still played it's role as coordinator. They probably also decided about such things like "Bruns" for export - this is not in my knowledge. Why? Because it had to do with relationships to western countries. Those relations have been very seldom to public knowledge. (German readers will remember the "under cover salesman" Schalk-Goldkowski, he managed these sort of businesses.) I hope this helps a bit to understand the history and relation between "Bruns" and "RFT" and "Stern Radio Sonneberg". Regards Hartmut.

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Writing history 
25.Jul.07 23:50

Mario Coelho (P)
Articles: 454
Count of Thanks: 8
Mario Coelho

Hello Hartmut,

Thank you for your so complete explanation about this radio set origin.

I began this tread in May 2005. I almost forgot that subject, but your article made me remember it. Thanks.

That Prominent 204 was proposed by me, because at time Victor Oliveira (the owner) was not yet a member of Rmorg.

At time I created this new model as a "Bruns". Ok, this model might be one of those exported models.

I think your article is very important to one understands the history and  the differences among Bruns,Stern-Sonn and Robo-Zela. Fortunately this tread is added to this (Bruns) manufacture’s history.

I hope Victor Oliveira can read this tread. I don’t have news from him a long time ago.

Best Regards

Mário Coelho


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einige Unkorrektheiten und Fehler  
27.Jul.07 15:05

Jens Dehne (D)
Articles: 659
Count of Thanks: 7

Hallo Mario Coelho und andere Leser,


Wolfgang Eckardt machte mich auf diesen Beitrag aufmerksam und auch ich kann gerade den Beitrag von Herrn Schmidt (Post 4) so nicht unkommentiert stehen lassen.


Hier sind doch noch einige Unkorrektheiten und Fehler enthalten. So wurden beispielsweise im „VEB Stern Radio Rochlitz“ nie Fernsehgeräte hergestellt.


Nach meinem Urlaub, wenn wieder etwas mehr Zeit frei wird, werde ich versuchen die Fakten zu ordnen und eine kurze Zusammenfassung hier einstellen.


Bis dann viel Spaß mit den Radios!


Jens Dehne

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