grundig: Transistor 5000; Satellit 205 or 205A?

ID: 55135
grundig: Transistor 5000; Satellit 205 or 205A? 
15.Jun.05 21:16

Mike Izycky (GB)
Articles: 85
Count of Thanks: 31
Mike Izycky

In my collection I have three examples of this radio, all of which are described as a "Transistor 5000" on the plate over the control knobs. There are however subtle differences between one of the radios and the others, and I wonder if this is the difference between a "Satellit 205" and a "Satellit 205 A" ? I am hoping that a Satellit expert can help...

The differences are:

- one model says "Satellit" on the lower edge of the dial whilst the others say "Transistor 5000".

- This also has station names on Medium waveband, FM channel numbers and "Rundspruch I - VI" marked on the LW scale.

- The dial and switches are marked U, K4 - K1, M and L on this set, but FM, S4 - S1, M and L on the others.

- One is marked in MHz, the other in MC/s.

- The "Satellit" does not have a removable window over the KW/SW drum, the others do.

- The back on the "Satellit" is held in place by one screw into the plastic chassis moulding, whilst on the other model it is held by two screws into the metal chassis.

I did wonder if some models were intended for the Americas rather than Europe/UK?

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GRUNDIG Satellit 205 or TR 5000 whats the reason? 
17.Jun.05 14:36

Hans M. Knoll (D)
Articles: 2165
Count of Thanks: 12
Hans M. Knoll

Hallo Mr. Izycky

The Sat 205 was the first "Satellit" from GRUNDIG.  
Here I show for you, different Numbers of Diagrams.

First Sat.205 for Germany   and TR 5000 for the USA Market. 

On the different Drawing Numbers  "1141-62" and " 9141-62" you can see, there was two version  topical in 1964.

After 1965 are new Version on Top. " Sat 205a"  and  "Transistor 5000a"

The Audio Module  is change on the  "a" versions.

First ( the 205) use on input- stage  a AC151r  low noise pnp germanium Trans.

The "a"  use a  BC108 A or BSY 76b, this is a NPN Silicon Trans.

The circuit must be changed to realice this. Also the Number of the Module

My own set, on of the first model, has on the Dial glass from TUNER, one screw to fix the glass.   

Best regards from Hans M. Knoll


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Confirmation of the internal differences 
21.Jun.05 02:35

Mike Izycky (GB)
Articles: 85
Count of Thanks: 14
Mike Izycky

Hello Herr Knoll,

Thank you for taking the time to reply to my question. Today I opened up the two radios in question and indeed there are differences as you describe - on the radio I assumed to be the "A" model there is a BC108A transistor on the audio module, and on the earlier radio there is the AC151r transistor. If I remember correctly, this earlier radio was purchased from eBay (Germany), the other two were purchased here in England which might explain the presence of the "Satellit" name. So it would seem that there were improvements to the exterior design as well as the electronics when the "A" models were released: I only have the service documents for the 205A/Tr.5000A. So now I shall endeavour to restore the "original" Satellit 205.

One thing now interests me: what is the meaning of the markings "Rundspr. I - VI" on the Long Waveband?

Thank you again for your help!

Kind regards,

Mike Izycky.

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What means Telephonrundspruch ? 
21.Jun.05 09:54

Hans M. Knoll (D)
Articles: 2165
Count of Thanks: 21
Hans M. Knoll

Hallo Mr. Izycky,

Your next question:

Schweizer Telephon Rundspruch,  is a Longwave Broadcasting Service on the 600 Ohms Telephon -line. Instead Frequency in kc, Channel Nr.are used . "I , II, III etc.
 On you can find many Articles abaud this. See here:

and particular  here: 

Best regards Hans M. Knoll

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Another diference : SSB module 
18.Feb.14 08:52
4858 from 10702

Ruben Garcia Bayon (E)
Articles: 53
Count of Thanks: 13

I see on www that the SAT 205A is the amateur version, and so comes with the SSB module integrated in the back.

SATELLIT 5000 205A rear with SSB mo


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SSB Unit  
18.Feb.14 10:02
4868 from 10702

Hans M. Knoll (D)
Articles: 2165
Count of Thanks: 8
Hans M. Knoll


if you look here,   you can find these complet Information.

Remarks: The Version  Sat 205a is not the same as Sat 205A
„a“ is an technical modifikation from Sat 205
„A“       GRUNDIG  named not "A"  but "Amateur"  is an Special Version for Radio.Amateurs.
This Version "A" (Amateur)  has generaly the SSB -Demodulartor on Board.

. Knoll


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