History of GEC and the Marconi Osram valve

ID: 326048
History of GEC and the Marconi Osram valve 
03.Aug.13 23:30

Fin Stewart (AUS)
Articles: 33
Count of Thanks: 9
Fin Stewart

Book originally written in 1995. Now available as a CD/pdf file. The book has 132 pages in two parts, the first covering the history of GEC from 1886 to its takeover by Rexcell in 2000. The second part details the companies manufacture of radio tubes from World War One to about 1970. There are dozens of photos, data lists of tubes with military equivalents, general data of receiving and transmitting tubes as well as commercial equivalents. Early advertisements are also included. CD available from Fin Stewart, 38 Primrose St Wingham NSW 2429 Austalia or by email to ferrowatte38@bigpond.com . Cost of the CD is $A 20 and this includes world wide postage.

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