rca: RCA LC1 - LC1A - LC1B - LC1C ebay prices 2005-2012

ID: 295199
rca: RCA LC1 - LC1A - LC1B - LC1C ebay prices 2005-2012 
14.Aug.12 21:53

Mark Rumreich (USA)
Count of Thanks: 9

This is a complete list of all RCA LC1 series drivers sold on ebay from 10/2005 to 7/2012.

LC1 - no bumps (aka mi-11411)

LC1A - alnico magnet, bumps, 20w tweeter (aka m-11411-a)

LC1B - ferrite magnet, bumps (aka mi-11411-b)

LC1C - alnico magnet, bumps, 40w tweeter


model ebay seller date condition price ea
LC1 van6 10/5 "very fine" $682 $682
LC1A maggie100 10/5 excellent $2,402 $2,402
LC1B dbmdbu 11/5 perfect $550 $550
LC1B dbmdbu 11/5 all bumps trashed $235 $235
LC1A - pair sspaniel 12/5 most bumps dimpled, no butterflies $1,000 $500
LC1B - pair demag1 4/6 dimpled bumps $1,625 $812
LC1 aseal 7/6 poor photos $566 $566
LC1A localfavorites 7/6 awful $142 $142
LC1A localfavorites 7/6 blown tweeter, water stains, dimpled bumps $142 $142
LC1 yoyo9595 9/6 very good $325 $325
LC1B - pair vntgbus 3/7 excellent $1,400 $700
LC1 asealcat 5/7 fair $500 $500
LC1A myostuff 5/7 awful $700 $700
LC1B - 3 badmuzak 5/7 most bumps damaged $680 ea $680
LC1 mono 7/7 very good $900 $900
LC1 mono 8/7 excellent $1,034 $1,034
LC1 monkeypunch 9/7 one blown tweeter $1,613 $806
LC1A dkbbmk 4/8 excellent $967 $967
LC1A - pair gromit427 4/8 missing tweeters, damaged bumps $717 $358
LC1A - pair gromit427 5/8 fair $921 $460
LC1 - pair silcraft 9/8 fair $923 $461
LC1 - pair junsan1960 10/8 very good $1,136 $568
LC1 daybrookdriver 10/8 fair $200 $200
LC1 bonaviah 11/8 excellent $760 $760
LC1A owegoan 2/9 all bumps damaged, H20 damage, cracked surround $372 $372
LC1 - pair davidc2107 5/9 excellent $1,750 $875
LC1A - pair matt.att.net 7/9 1 excellent, 1 all bumps damaged $1,699 $850
LC1A - pair matt.att.net 7/9 all bumps damaged, some repair to surrounds $1,200 $600
LC1A theremaniacs theremins 8/9 many bumps damaged, stains $449 $449
LC1A tubexperimentor 10/9 poor condition drivers in refinished cabinets $2,018 $1,009
LC1A thealtarego 12/9 many bumps damaged, stains $711 $711
LC1A - pair jasonscards1 1/10 1 excellent, 1 torn surround, dented bump $1,659 $830
LC1A - pair nbvbn 2/10 excellent $3,500 $1,750
LC1A msmeissen 5/10 no bumps! $1,000 $1,000
LC1 penurious 5/10 excellent $751 $751
LC1 harvey-house 6/10 excellent $676 $676
LC1 bcar1089993 7/10 excellent $814 $814
LC1A jktguitar 8/10 all bumps damaged, H20 damage, cracked surround $315 $315
LC1 jktguitar 8/10 very good $312 $312
LC1 hi-fi4130 9/10 weathered, voice coil rub $255 $255
LC1A balowka 11/10 all bumps damaged, cracked surround $898 $898
LC1B pflavs 11/10 perfect $2,550 $2,550
LC1A - pair psword2010 2/11 good $3,150 $1,575
LC1A - pair vintageaudious 3/11 good $2,025 $1,012
LC1A astruvulus 4/11 very good $1,282 $1,282
LC1A - pair penurious 5/11 very good $2,521 $1,260
LC1-pair rebeccas-attic 7/11 excellent $4,050 $2,025
LC1A aussiedog 8/11 all bumps damaged, tear in surround $1,254 $1,254
LC1 roscoe13 10/11 tear in surround $1,030 $1,030
LC1 dwwr 11/11 excellent $1,070 $1,070
LC1 letsseeifthisworkshuh 1/12 excellent $1,136 $1,136
LC1 scotthorner 1/12 perfect $1,469 $1,469
LC1 fernando68 2/12 goop applied to surround, no magnet cover $568 $568
LC1 fernando68 2/12 lots of goop applied to surround, no magnet cover, surround tears $485 $485
LC1A spongebob_squaredeal 3/12 perfect, US shipping only $2,148 $2,148
LC1A-pair mikev1995 4/12 many bumps damaged $4,161 $2,080
LC1A-pair gzesz 4/12 many bumps dented $4,183 $2,091
LC1A lev98 4/12 two very damaged bumps, h2o damage $1,026 $1,026
LC1A jeffery971 5/12 one very damaged bump, bad paint on magnet cover $1,000 $1,000
LC1A dekedickersonhoarderstash 6/12 very good $1,227 $1,227
LC1 dekedickersonhoarderstash 6/12 no magnet cover, appears to have intermittent short/open $775 $775
LC1 sewingteacher1950 6/12 torn cone $293 $293
LC1A bobt555 7/12 most bumps dented, minor h2o stains $1,133 $1,133
LC1 kevco12 7/12 minor h2o staining, magnet cover dent $900 $900
LC1A pastures_of_heaven 8/12 foam rings & surrounds look brittle $2,550 $1,275


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