Unknown 4-volt rectifier
? Unknown 4-volt rectifier
The tilted structure is somewhat unique as are the pins. And it appears that "25" is written on the pinch which might suggest that it is an RGN2504 clone.
Does anyone have any information on this tube?
Thanks much. :)
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Maybe Hoges?

Dear Ken,
the appearance of the tube, plates in particular, remind me of the Hoges (= Hochohm-Gesellschaft) tubes, like this one.
I believe I can see the remains of markings on the glass envelope of the tube, namely a c in a circle. Markings like these are hard to photograph, but could you try to read the markings, and let us know? Sometimes it gets easier after gently breathing on the glass!
Nikolaus Löwe
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Unknown 4-volt rectifier

Hello Ken,
What is we know about this tube? Is the base Europe 4 pin or something else? Vf=4V. Is the filament working? The tilted structure can be caused by overload?
Best regaerds,
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Maybe Hoges?
Hello Nikolaus
As you suggest, I will try to make out the remains of the markings on the glass. And I will also try to compare what I can see to more clear markings on other Hoge tubes.
Thank you.
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Unknown 4-volt rectifier
Hello Otto,
The tube was sold to me as an RGN2504 clone. And yes, it has the European B-4 base and a 4-volt heater.
I have an amp which can run 4-volt rectifiers, and in that amp, this rectifier powers up and runs the amp normally. So it seems to me that it works fine.
As to the tilted structure, my assumption is that it was deliberately desgned and built this way, but as I am not an engineer, I certainly don't know for sure.
Thank you
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Maybe Hoges?
Hello Nikolaus
As best I can make the markings out, it looks like
"BO - 116"
and just below, a "c in a circle"
Is this helpful?
Thank you,
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Maybe Hoges?
So it may well be a Soviet tube? I am certainly surprised!
Thank you.
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Maybe Hoges?
Would you like me to upload a picture of my tube to the BO-116 page?
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Maybe Hoges?

Another idea: ВО-188. Note the pin soldering joints !
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Unknown 4-volt rectifier

Hello Ken,
Please measure the filament current. It is different for BO116 and BO188
Best regards,
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Unknown 4-volt rectifier
Hello Otto,
"BO-116" is quite clear on the glass. It's definitely not "BO-188".
And unfortunately, I do not have the necessary test equipment to measure filament current. Sorry. :(
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