
Información - Ayuda 
ID = 61897
Estados Unidos
Marca: Western Electric Company Inc.; New York (NY)
Tipo:  Pulse magnetron 
Idéntica a 706DY
Válvulas similares
Other characteristic (electr. data):
  706AY ; 706BY ; 706CY ; 706EY ; 706FY ; 706GY

Usada en Radar
Filamento Vf 6.9 Volt / If 1.5 Ampere / Half indirect

Fixed-frequency 8-cavity magnetron requiring forced air cooling and external magnet. Coaxial connector. Similar to the 706A-C types, 706AY-EY were among the early 10 cm strapped magnetrons made by Western Electric, using the original British strapping scheme. The addition of straps resulted in lowering the resonant frequency and a variation of the resonator slot width was required to operate at the same frequencies of the unstrapped predecessors.

Due to the strapping that locked the oscillating mode, the efficiency was considerably increased. 11.4 to 20.9 kV at 12.5 to 20 A typical input pulses, 40 to 206 kW output pulses. The family included seven fixed frequency factory-tuned types, A to G, from 2914 to 3100 MHz.

Raytheon second sourced the family.

Peso 1000 g / 35.27 oz
Literatura Tube Lore (I)   
-- Original-techn. papers.   BSTJ, Vol.XXV, April 1946



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