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History of the manufacturer  

Abrams, Dr., Albert; San Francisco, CA

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Name: Abrams, Dr., Albert; San Francisco, CA    (USA)  
Abbreviation: abrams
Products: Model types Others

Dr. Albert Abrams
2151 Sacramento Street, San Francisco, California

Inventor of various medical instruments and machines, like the Oscilloclast and Radioclast.
See also: Electronic Instrument Co. model R1 - Ultr-Short Wave.

Closed: 1924
Production: - 1924

Albert Abrams (December 8, 1863 – January 13, 1924) was an American physician, well known during his life for inventing machines, such as the “Oscilloclast“ and the “Radioclast“, which he falsely claimed could diagnose and cure almost any disease. These claims were challenged from the outset. Towards the end of his life, and again shortly after his death, many of his machines and conclusions were demonstrated to be intentionally deceptive or false.



This manufacturer was suggested by Michael Gnaedig-Fischer.

Some models:
Country Year Name 1st Tube Notes
USA  27 Oscilloclast 633 27   


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