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History of the manufacturer  

Fansteel Products (Pfanstiehl, Pfansteihl, Balkite, Balkeit); Chicago

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Name: Fansteel Products (Pfanstiehl, Pfansteihl, Balkite, Balkeit); Chicago    (USA)  
alternative name:
Balkeit || First National || Pfanstiehl
Brand: Overtone
Abbreviation: fansteel
Products: Model types

There is a number of mutually connected but not identical companies and brands:
- Pfanstiehl
- Fansteel
- Balkite
- Balkeit

In the literature as well as in advertisements there is no unambiguous allocation and use of a.m. names. To avoid doublets and erroneous combinations we are concentrating all products at Fansteel, since it is the longest lasting of all names. The erroneous spelling "Pfansteihl" is found e.g. in "the Radio Collectors Directory...1921 -1965" by R.E.Grinder.

Pfanstiehl changed the name during WW 1 (1917) to the less German sounding Fansteel.
Fansteel used the brand Balkite for radios from about 1928/29.
Balkite was the brand name for rectifiers, chargers, and battery eliminators before, while radios ran under Pfanstiehl name.

Founded: 1917

In April 1930 the Balkite plant and equipment were sold. Being off the radio sector, Fansteel continued its activities: electrical contacts for the automotive industry (as it did in 1914 under Pfanstiehl Lab.), as well as fabricating components for the Space Shuttle. Alan Larsen: "Fansteel Products Co. actually produced the Balkite rectifiers and the separate Pfanstiehl Radio Company produced the radios."

Ref.: Alan Douglas, Radio Manufacturers of the 1920's, vol.2, p.222

Fansteel is still in business (Sept 2017).

Some models:
Country Year Name 1st Tube Notes
USA  30 Balkeit Midget [(54$)]   Balkeit, Balkite, Pfanstiehl are put together to Fansteel. One dial (primary tuning contro... 
USA  32 Balkeit 100 58  Balkeit, Balkite, Pfanstiehl are put together to Fansteel. 
USA  34 Balkeit 38 6D6  Balkeit, Balkite, Pfanstiehl are put together to Fansteel. 
USA  35 Balkeit 41A 6A7  Balkeit, Balkite, Pfanstiehl are put together to Fansteel. 
USA  32 Balkeit 42E 58  Balkeit, Balkite, Pfanstiehl are put together to Fansteel. 
USA  32 Balkeit 42G 58  Balkeit, Balkite, Pfanstiehl are put together to Fansteel. 
USA  34 Balkeit 45 6D6  Balkeit, Balkite, Pfanstiehl are put together to Fansteel. 
USA  34 Balkeit 48 6D6  Balkeit, Balkite, Pfanstiehl are put together to Fansteel. 
USA  32 Balkeit 52-1 58  Radio Colol. Guide notes a 55 (Duplex Diode / Triode) tube, that is not correct. It must b... 
USA  32 Balkeit 55 57  Balkeit, Balkite, Pfanstiehl are put together to Fansteel. 
USA  34 Balkeit 59 6A7  Balkeit, Balkite, Pfanstiehl are put together to Fansteel. 
USA  34 Balkeit 60 (Ch= 70) 6A7  Balkeit, Balkite, Pfanstiehl are put together to Fansteel. 


Further details for this manufacturer by the members (rmfiorg):

Pfanstiehl 1926 ad.tbn_us_pfanstihel_overtone_ad.jpg
March 21st 1925 Saturday Evening Posttbn_usa_pfanstiehl_overtone1.jpg
Radio Broadcast, Feb. 1926, p. 387tbn_usa_balkite.jpg
Radio Broadcast, Mar. 1926, p. 595tbn_usa_balkite_2.jpg
Scanned from the Balkeit-Globe-Trotter Folder for 1936 Series.tbn_balkeit_folder_1936_p1_2.jpg
Scanned from the Balkeit-Globe-Trotter Folder for 1936 Series.tbn_balkeit_folder_1936_p3_4.jpg
Scanned from the Balkeit-Globe-Trotter Folder for 1936 Series.tbn_balkeit_folder_1936_p5_6.jpg
Scanned from the Balkeit-Globe-Trotter Folder for 1936 Series.tbn_balkeit_letter_1936.jpg
Scanned from the Balkeit-Globe-Trotter Folder for 1936 Series.tbn_balkeit_guarantee_1936.jpg
Scanned from the Balkeit-Globe-Trotter Folder for 1936 Series.tbn_balkeit_folder_1936_p7_8.jpg
Scanned from the Balkeit-Globe-Trotter Folder for 1936 Series.tbn_balkeit_folder_1936_p9_10.jpg
Scanned from the Balkeit-Globe-Trotter Folder for 1936 Series.tbn_balkeit_folder_1936_p11_12.jpg
Scanned from the Balkeit-Globe-Trotter Folder for 1936 Series.tbn_balkeit_folder_1936_p13_14.jpg
Scanned from the Balkeit-Globe-Trotter Folder for 1936 Series.tbn_balkeit_folder_1936_p25_26.jpg
Radio Age for July, 1924 magazine advertisement on page 42tbn_usa_pfanstiehl_reinhartz_july_1924_radio_age_page_42_1.jpg
Advert for "Balkite" chargers 1927tbn_us_fansteel_balkite_chargers_advert_1927.jpg
Scanned from the Radio Retailing June 1927 page 246.tbn_rr_june27_p246_ad_pfanstiehl.jpg
Scanned from the Radio Retailing October 1928 page 8.tbn_rr_october28_ad_balkite_p8.jpg


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