History of the manufacturer  

Lear Inc.; Grand Rapids and Los Angeles

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Name: Lear Inc.; Grand Rapids and Los Angeles    (USA)  
Abbreviation: lear
Products: Model types

Lear Inc.;
110 Ionia Ave., Grand Rapids, Michigan. (1946)
West Pico Boulevard, Los Angeles 64, California (1952).


Some models:
Country Year Name 1st Tube Notes
USA  48 LEARADIO 1281-PC Ch.=7B 6BA6  AC Operated Combination Phono-Radio, AM-FM Superheterodyne Receiver AM: 540-1700kc... 
USA  51 2181    
USA  46 561 12SA7  internal loop-antenna 
USA  46 562 12SA7  internal loop-antenna 
USA  46 563 12SA7  Built-in loop, with provision for outside aerial. Full vision illuminated dial. Internal l... 
USA  46 565 12SA7   
USA  46 565BL 12SA7   
USA  46 566 12SA7   
USA  46 567 12SA7   
USA  46 568 12SA7   
USA  45 661 12SK7   
USA  49 6610 [early] 12SK7   


Further details for this manufacturer by the members (rmfiorg):

Scanned from the Radio Retailing April 1946 page 113.tbn_lear_prom_rr_apr46_p113.jpg
Scanned from the Radio Retailing June 1946 page 87.tbn_lear_prom_rr_jun46_p87.jpg
Scanned from the Radio Retailing January 1947 page 133.tbn_rr_jan47_p133.jpg
Scanned from the Radio Retailing February 1947 page 143.tbn_rr_feb47_p143.jpg
Scanned from the Radio & Television Retailing March 1947 page 169.tbn_rr_mar47_p169.jpg
Advertise from 1945tbn_usa_lear_1945_advertise.jpg


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