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National Toy Train Museum

17572 Strasburg, PA, United States of America (USA) (Pennsylvania)

Address 300 Paradise Lane
Floor area only roughly guessed: 1 200 m² / 12 917 ft²  
Museum typ Exhibition
Model Railway
  • Model Cars

Opening times
April - May & September - December: Saturday + Sunday: 10am – 5pm
June - August: seven days a week: 10am – 5pm
see museum's wep page for more days.

Status from 08/2017
Children (6 to 12): $4; Adults: $7; Family: $22

Tel.:+1-717-687-89 76  eMail:info  


Our page for National Toy Train Museum in Strasburg, United States of America (USA), is not yet administrated by a member. Please write to us about your experience with this museum, for corrections of our data or sending photos by using the Contact Form to the Museum Finder.

Location / Directions
N39.987392° W76.151825°N39°59.24352' W76°9.10950'N39°59'14.6112" W76°9'6.5700"

Strasburg is known as "Train City" because it is also the home to the historic Strasburg Rail Road, the Railroad Museum of Pennsylvania, and the Choo-Choo Barn.

Located at 300 Paradise Lane, in Paradise Township, PA, between US Route 30 and PA Route 741, in the middle of Lancaster County's beautiful Pennsylvania Dutch countryside. Regional travel directions are farther below on this page. Locally, there are several ways to get here.

By Train:
Persons traveling by train should take Amtrak to the Lancaster, PA station. From there, taxi service is available.


Collecting, building and operating toy trains is a lively hobby for the 21st Century! Fun and challenging, it combines traditional skills with cutting-edge technology.

* Designed like an old-time train station, the Museum features the latest in exhibits and LED lighting.
* The massive toy train collection features models from the 1800s to the present.
* Five operating, interactive train layouts in G, Standard, O, S and HO Gauges. Videos on all aspects of toy trains.
* Reference Library.
* Lionel, American Flyer, MTH, Weaver, LGB, Bachmann, Marklin, more.


The National Toy Train Museum recreates a family "train room," but on a larger scale. The building resembles a Victorian Era California railroad station, but is located in the fertile Pennsylvania Dutch farm country of Lancaster County, PA, near several other major railroad visitor venues.
v It contains one of the most extensive toy train collections in the world. Trains that children pushed, pulled or rode upon are included. The collection also includes miniature trains that are accurate replicas of their full sized counterparts. The Museum exhibits trains from the mid-1800s through the present day. presents here one of the many museum pages. We try to bring data for your direct information about all that is relevant. In the list (link above right) you find the complete listing of museums related to "Radio & Co." we have information of. Please help us to be complete and up to date by using the contact form above.



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