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Donald Rapp, United States of America (USA) - Radio collection

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ID = 26869
Photo Donald Rapp

Below you find a part of the radio collection Donald Rapp - including other related items.

Acquired several vintage tube radios over last several decades with intent to restore, but work/family got in the way. But now, retired, I am playing catch-up, and will need schematics/information. It is either now or never. I have restored several and word is getting around I restore tube radios, so don't know what the future might bring after I get through my own radios. I have always had an interest in the tube radios in addition to the current technologies of today.
Result: 1 to 4 from 4
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Part of the radio collection of Donald Rapp. These pictures have been uploaded to the corresponding models by Donald Rapp but this is not necessarily all of Donald Rapp's collection.

J:  Pioneer Corporation; Tokyo
1980/81 : Stereo Amplifier

A local Antique Mall find, restored to working condition including a major ...
USA:  Granco Products, Inc.; Long Island...
1962 : ARC-60
This radio was given to me many years ago. Originally I thought it was a F...
USA:  JCPenney, Penney's, J.C.Penney, Pe...
1985 ??: MCS Series AM/FM Stereo Tuner
3723 Catalog No.: 853-4323

MCS model 3723 AM/FM tuner find at local antique mall. AM working, FM not w...
USA:  Sears, Roebuck & Co.; Chicago (IL)
1936/37 : Silvertone 4464
Order= 57D 4464 Ch= 100.150

Result: 1 to 4 from 4

Click numbers for additional pages of Donald Rapp's collection of radios and other collectibles if any.

Our member Donald Rapp opened his/her collection of radios and other related items on 21.Dec.2017.


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