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Robin Roeckers, United States of America (USA) - Radio collection

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ID = 5697
Photo Robin Roeckers

Below you find a part of the radio collection Robin Roeckers - including other related items.

I like to collect wood tube radios and bring them back to their original splendor. I love to learn about them and be around them. The time and effort that was taken to create something so profoundly beautiful is awe inspiring. I would like to help "fill out" the listings at RMorg as much as I possibly can if I am given a little guidance.
Result: 51 to 56 from 56
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Part of the radio collection of Robin Roeckers. These pictures have been uploaded to the corresponding models by Robin Roeckers but this is not necessarily all of Robin Roeckers's collection.

USA:  Wells-Gardner & Co.; Chicago
1936 : 

The OEL chassis from Wells-Gardner has an interesting dial with dials for t...
USA:  Western Auto Supply Co. (Truetone)...
1937 : D717 Truetone (1937)
Chassis is made by Belmont Radio Corporation and is a BRC517
USA:  Westgale Electric / Westingale Ele...
1930 ?: Nine In Line
The Westgale Nine In Line was a chassis made to fit several different high ...
USA:  Westinghouse El. & Mfg. Co. - see ...
1933/34 : WR-27
USA:  Wilcox-Gay Corp.; Charlotte (MI)
1936 ?: A-15 AC
This Wilcox-Gay A15AC has had a little work done. You can see there are a ...
USA:  Wurlitzer Co., The Rudolph; North ...
1933/34 : C4-L
The 1934 Lyric C4-L made by Rudolph Wurlitzer Company had an all-metal cabi...
Result: 51 to 56 from 56

Click numbers for additional pages of Robin Roeckers's collection of radios and other collectibles if any.

Our member Robin Roeckers opened his/her collection of radios and other related items on 09.Apr.2007.


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