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Radio Museum's Guidance - H E L P

Dear Guest:
Radio Museum's home page is the starting point to search the world's largest collection of tube radios, transistor radios and tubes.
For simplicity we will refer to Radio Museum as "RMorg" and home page as "HP". From the HP you can navigate the entire content of our site. If you ever get lost you can return to the HP with a click on your language flag icon or the "Radios" tab (at upper-left). By selecting other flags you may switch to different languages.

6 Ways to get H E L P
Underlined expressions like the one above are click- links to additional information on a subject.

Small blue icons with an "i" are help pages in the context of the current frame.
Please use the icons extensively for help.

You find different forms on the HP to search for individual radios or groups of radios. As a beginner you should just try the simple search until you are comfortable with the functionality. A valid example is: "Lindau" or "468". Next click GO to the right.

The search engine will attempt to find a best match for your request. An exact match will show the model's data page. In case your search criteria are ambiguous you will see an intermediate list of partially matching radios. Select / click any model. If it's not what you wanted, use the back-arrow of your browser and try another one in the list.

The "Forum" tab also lets you access a FAQ section. Another tab "Texts" leads to other interesting reference articles on radio collecting, history and technology. "Tubes" is a rather new topic.

Valuable Member:
Members have access to additional functions. The "Market" tab grants access to our Bazaar. It's what the name says - Members may trade whatever they would like to sell or need to buy, but only if it relates to radios. The tag "Forum" also leads to themed discussion areas for exchanging information, questions and advice. It's visible to guests - except "Talk".

Members have several additional privileges. They may view collector's prices and photos are expandable to large screen views without water-mark. Furthermore, members access schematics for printing or may request missing ones - there is a good chance some members will find them for you as a new member ...

You can build your personal page within RMorg. Whenever you provide own photos of specific existing models, they will show up in your personal page as well as new models you contribute. Once you have a personal page at RMorg you may upload other photos. I.e. a personal radio collection displayed in shelves, your pet, family, or hospital recovery from electrocution …you name it. But for every model you can also get a private form where you list details for you and your family like price paid, your work done on it etc. And you can also bring in new models or manufacturers and add/change data. Administrators check before it is up.

How to become a member
You can apply for membership by clicking on "Sign in for new membership" - upper-left on the HP. Then follow the procedures.

Before you apply for membership please consider:
RMorg is a non-profit organization and can only succeed if our service is not used as "a free lunch". Many motivated members contribute and spend considerable time and effort without material benefit. To share is "Give and Take". So much depends on your support and contributions. Many members found their home within RMorg.

Searching for radios is quite simple
For an example, let's use the upper HP-form labeled "Simple search for Old Time Radios". Enter a single string of the model name or type number - i.e. K6. It may even be incomplete. Click GO. A list of radios will be shown. In our example we see a line for a model "D detew 29/30 Superhet K6 RAD + Symbols, Date". The first letter is the country of origin, D for Deutschland = Germany. The next fields are manufacturer, name, type-number and kind of equipment. Some symbols may be shown next indicating the availability of text, photos, schematics and price info. A click on this model will show its data page where you see three photos and below a link to four more. As a member you may view any photos in higher resolution. Just above the photos members find a link to schematics if available. Once you're done, go back to the HP via a click on either your flag or the "Radios" tab on top.

At this time RMorg offers an almost complete radio catalog. You will find 348 724 models and 2 770 190 pictures including 1 059 529 schematics. Please check them and see what we could do together! Or use the left-side HP link-list to access individual collections and photos of members on their own HP within RMorg.

How to upload photos, schematics, information etc.?
As a logged-in member navigate to a specific model's data page as explained above. There is a link-line down on any data page. The link "add information to model" brings up another page to specify what you intend to upload. Please read the information carefully and use the blue info- buttons extensively wherever they are found.

Practice a while to become familiar with file naming conventions and size, acceptable image formats etc. If you intend to contribute schematics, we ask you to read the FAQ's in the Forums section on how to prepare them. Also check whether a schematic is really missing or if you have a better quality one. RMorg imposes a high quality standard on any contributions - our community deserves the best in seriousness, reliability and precision, so let's try not being sluggish.

Any contributions will be checked by Administrators/Peers and accepted or rejected if not compatible with the rules, but you will always be notified if something was rejected.

What else?
There are a lot of other interesting features to explore on RMorg's HP. We appeal to your sense of adventure to discover those, rather than drowning you in a flood of words here. Remember: You have a friend wherever you go: the blue "info"-button!

So travel the link-list left of our HP at leisure. See the personal collectors and collections pages. Find contact to administrators. Browse and contribute to the forum. Build you own page within RMorg as a member, show off photos of you radio collection, kids, pets, family. Bring in new models if you can.

Encountering errors?
Visiting the RMorg site for full capabilities needs certain functionalities in your browser / system to be active. Here are the three most likely symptoms you might see:

1. Automatic login not possible.
You must enable cookies for the RMorg site to verify your identity. (You may still block the rest of the world). RMorg does not use cookie data for any purpose other than to run the site!

2. Same as above, but you had deleted your cookie-cache or not allowed any cookies at all. - You must login manually once with cookies enabled for RMorg. If you forgot your login data - just click the appropriate link.

3. Certain links within the RMorg site don't work. -You must have Javascript installed and enabled. Check "Extras / Internet options / Security / Internet / Java-Applets enabled".

4. You get error pages. Please don't enable CACHE because this means that you get the pages out of your own system, not from RMorg, once called a certain page.
What advantage do I gain by joining as a member?
Besides the benefits stated above, consider what follows. Just go to the forum, ask questions and you'll find valuable help, information and tips & tricks on all aspects of old radio issues. Don't give up if it's not in your language yet. Just add a note in your language asking for someone to help you out. You will be heard and answered.

Once you build your personal page within RMorg, you have a good chance to become quite prominent on the web. If you entered your first and last name at your RMorg's personal page, you may end up first rank on Google search results! And imagine how many new contacts and friends you would find.

Can I join without paying the one-time fee?
Yes, you can. But please do consider the following:
You are a full member but have to earn your admission for schematics and large pictures first.

Why is there a one-time fee?
To make it more attractive for serious members and collectors, who are really interested in active participation.
Membership of RMorg should not be a ‘One Way Street’ - but a good balance of give and take.
To reach this goal, the admission procedure has been made little bit more restricted in February 2004. The new admission fee is part of this.
This is the way to avoid fee:
Please read further down what members can do for RMorg. If you like what you see, continue with option 2 and skip the paying via PayPal or other payment.
Instead of payment you just have to give us a short statement by eMail and specify, what you can do for RMorg.

Any obligations?
Any obligations?
Not really. We assume to have a gentleman’s agreement with you.
This is the way to do things for RMorg:
You may add information to listed models and/or expand the existing system with additional models. Our only precondition: "you must enjoy doing it".

Members, who enter RM-ORG on option 1 (Earn Your Admission without onetime fee), first have to earn the opportunity to get schematics or to be able to enlarge pictures.

This can be achieved by:
adding either 19 collector prices or 12 new models or 12 pictures of his/her own (or 19 others) or completing / enhancing 19 fields for models or uploading 4 schematics.

All other benefits of membership are given and realized at the start.

In other words:
You are not really obligated, but all members should cooperate and participate.
The following statements are true for standard members:

1.Members should feel free to post items of interest to any forum, which is open to them.
2. Members are encouraged to submit supporting data for some models .
3.Members may also submit text and/or graphics to add a new model to the museum database.

NOTE: There is no fixed format in which to contribute information for new members.
The primary objective of the organization, valid for all members, "to enjoy what the organization offers".

Foundation Radiomuseum Luzern (Switzerland)
English Adaption by member Ulrich Engwicht

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