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History of the manufacturer  

GEM Electronics; Mondaino

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Name: GEM Electronics; Mondaino    (I)  
Abbreviation: gem
Products: Model types

GEM Electronics

Il marchio GEM (Galanti Egidio Mondaino) è stato creato nel 1959 da Matteo Galanti per la Generalmusic v. LEM.

Founded: 1959
Closed: 2011

This manufacturer was suggested by Alessandro De Poi.

Some models:
Country Year Name 1st Tube Notes
70 Mars G15    
70 Mars GR50    
70 Super Deluxe 50R ECC83  Channel 1: controllo volume/treble/bass - Channel 2: controllo volume/treble/bass - Effett... 
10 Midi Arranger WK-2   ingresso microfonico con regolazione effetti delay/reverbero a controllo digitale - ingres... 


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