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History of the manufacturer  

Dousona Manufacturing Co.; Croydon

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Name: Dousona Manufacturing Co.; Croydon    (GB)  
Abbreviation: dousona
Products: Model types

Dousona Manufacturing Co.; Duppas Works, Croydon, Surrey. Telephone: Croydon 0669. Cables: "Dousona, Croydon"

Manufacturers of Gramophones.

Founded: 1929
1929 Listed Exhibitor. "The Silver Medal All British Gramophone. 'The only Gramophone with a successful Cylindrical Wood Tone Arm and Floating Amplifiers'. Always specify 'Dousona' - the greatest advance yet made in musical production. (Stand No. N.30)"

This manufacturer was suggested by Jamie Skinner.

Some models:
Country Year Name 1st Tube Notes
GB  25 Portable Record Player   Uses the Garrard Model 12 'motor'. Wind-up so powered by a handle on the front. Uses a c... 


Further details for this manufacturer by the members (rmfiorg):

Dousona Logo, Notice England is missing the 'm'. It has not rubbed off over time!tbn_dousona_logo.jpg


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