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History of the manufacturer  

Siera; (where?)

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Name: Siera; (where?)    (I)  
Abbreviation: siera
Products: Model types

Siera; (where?)


This manufacturer was suggested by Alessandro De Poi.

Some models:
Country Year Name 1st Tube Notes
67 Tamurè SI4301 A/00 UCH81  Tamurè SI4301 (SI 4301 A/00) is a FM tuner with 2 transistors. Sintonizzatore FM a 2 tran... 
68 SI6050T    
65 Marimba SI7042T   Double tuning dial. MF 87 - 104 MHz. Jacks for headphone and external antenna. Two wheels,... 
61 Flamenco SI 4040 A ECC85  Made for the Italian market (tuning dial and back cover in Italian). 
73 Calypso All Transistor SI7372T /00    
67 Carioca SI 4201 A /00 UCH81  Gruppo "front-end" FM a transistors al germanio con due AF121; Senza trasformatore di... 
63/64 SI3034A UCC85  Autotransformer, hot chassis! See also Philips Milano model David 2 B3I30A 
58 SI2041A UCC85  Confrontare anche con Mediator Bolero MD2041A. 
60 Cancan solid state SI6283T /00   controllo volume - antenna interna in ferrite - presa per auricolare - maniglia di traspor... 
61 SI2020A UCC85  Autotrasformatore: Telaio collegato alla rete elettrica. Non tutti i casi sono dichiarati ... 
65 Samba SI 3041 A    
71 Radio Portatile 7219 T AF124  Antenna in ferrite interna e presa per antenna esterna per OM. Antenna telescopica esterna... 


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