Informations sur le fabricant  

Concert Master Mfg. Co. (brand) - see also Continental Corp.; Chicago, IL and Newark NJ

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Nom: Concert Master Mfg. Co. (brand) - see also Continental Corp.; Chicago, IL and Newark NJ    (USA)  
Abréviation: concertmas
Produits: Modèles Revendeur de tube Brand

Concert Master Manufacturing Company
Chicago Ill. and Newark N.J.

Concert Master Radio Tube Co.
1802 Winnemac Ave., Chicago 40, IL (1949)
5044 N. Ravenswood, Chicago 40, IL (1950)

Concert Master Manufacturing Company was a wholesaler and did not make tubes, despite the company name suggesting otherwise. The brand was also used for phonographs built by the Continental Corp.

For a complete history of National Tube Mfg. Co., Concert Master Mfg. Co. and Continental Corp., see the entry for Continental Corporation.


The company was owned by (doing business as) P.D. Jackson in 1952 still.

Ce fabricant a été suggéré par Otmar Jung


Détails complémentaires fournis par les membres : #112301805778 seller chsales10tbn_usa_concert_master_continental_x112_box.jpg #112317574733 seller bean-gameontbn_usa_concert_master_box.jpg #161968365910 seller angst46tbn_usa_concert_master_boxes.jpg
"With the Manufacturers", Radio Engineering, 1927 Feb., pg584tbn_1927_02_radio_engineering_pg584.png
Radio-Electronics, Aug. 1949, p.72tbn_usa_concert_master_radio_electronics_1949.jpg
Advert in Allied Radio catalogue 1929 page 54tbn_concert_master_allied_radio_catalog_1929.png
Logo c. 1935 Ebay July 2018tbn_concert_master_logo_e718.jpg


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