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History of the manufacturer  

Artis, Éts. Poirier; Saint-Brieuc

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Name: Artis, Éts. Poirier; Saint-Brieuc    (F)  
Abbreviation: artis
Products: Model types

Établissements Poirier
Rue Luzel, Saint-Brieuc (1925)

Marque : Artis

Voir Le Guide du Collectionneur T.S.F.-Radio-T.V. by Guy Biraud et Richard Foster, 2000 Documents en 2 Volumes, Vol. 1, page 102.


Some models:
Country Year Name 1st Tube Notes
24 RLB 4    
25 CD   Superregenerative 200-600 m. 
24 ER 5   3 tubes in parallel (Hartley). Reiceiver: Reg. Det. and 1 audio. 
24 R 4 TM   


Further details for this manufacturer by the members (rmfiorg):

Carte postale Usine Artis ca. 1925tbn_f_artis_usine_ca1925.jpg


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