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History of the manufacturer  

Bravox Indústria e Comércio Eletrônico; São Paulo

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Name: Bravox Indústria e Comércio Eletrônico; São Paulo    (BR)  
Abbreviation: bravox
Products: Model types Others

Bravox Indústria e Comércio Eletrônico
Avenida Luiz Carlos Gentile de Laet, 819 São Paulo / SP

Manufacturer of loudspeakers for radio, hi-fi systems and for musical instruments use (woofers, midrange and tweeters). Bravox is one of the biggest loudspeaker manufacturer in Latin America.


This manufacturer was suggested by Antonio Rabitti.

Some models:
Country Year Name 1st Tube Notes
BR  78 Perpétua (Caixa acústica) 12   Caixa acústica de chão com woofer de 12 polegadas, tweeter e squawker tipo "soft dome" ... 


Further details for this manufacturer by the members (rmfiorg):



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