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History of the manufacturer  

Gevaert Photo-Producten, Gevaert-Agfa; Antwerpen, Mortsel

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Name: Gevaert Photo-Producten, Gevaert-Agfa; Antwerpen, Mortsel    (B)  
Abbreviation: gevaert
Products: Model types Others

L. Gevaert & Cie
Antwerpen (1894)

Gevaert Photo-Producten N.V. (1920)

Gevaert-Agfa N.V.
Mortsel (1964)

Film, photo, magnetic tapes.

Founded: 1894

In 1890, the 22-year-old Lieven Gevaert established his own workshop in Antwerp, which was mainly used for manufacturing calcium paper for photography. Barely four years later, the businessman Armand Seghers helped to establish the limited stock company L. Gevaert & Cie.

In 1920, the group was renamed Gevaert Photo-Producten N.V. with a capital of 15 million Belgian francs.

In early 1964, Agfa AG, a 100% subsidiary of Bayer Leverkusen, merged with Gevaert. Two new operating companies were established on July 1st, and the two partners each held a 50% stake: Gevaert-Agfa N.V. in Mortsel (Belgium) and Agfa-Gevaert AG in Leverkusen (Germany).

This manufacturer was suggested by Edoardo Sigismondo.

Some models:
Country Year Name 1st Tube Notes
60 Gevasonor Magnetic Tape   This page is for all Gevasonor open reel tapes, made by Gevaert Photo Producten N.V. in Mo... 


Further details for this manufacturer by the members (rmfiorg):

From: "L'Illustrazione de Popolo" Italian magazine, number 22, 29 May 1927.tbn_b_gevaert_adv.jpg


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