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History of the manufacturer  

Antoria, James T. Coppock; London

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Name: Antoria, James T. Coppock; London    (GB)  
Abbreviation: antoria
Products: Model types

James T. Coppock
61-67 Old Street, London, EC1 (1947)

Telephone: Clerkenwell 2255. Cables: "Jatocop, London"

Trade name: Antoria

In 1947 exhibitor at the British Industries Fair as manufacturers of "Antoria" Gramophones, Record Players and Automatic Record Players. Gramophone Needles, Pick-ups and Gramophone Accessories. Musical Instruments and Accessories of types including Percussion and Stringed Instruments.


This manufacturer was suggested by Mike Edwards † 25.10.21.

Some models:
Country Year Name 1st Tube Notes
GB  56 Combination Amplifier EF86  Combination amplifier possibly used as a small PA amp, with inputs for mic or guitar and r... 


Further details for this manufacturer by the members (rmfiorg):

Antoria Logo Badgetbn_antoria_badge_1.jpg
Antoria badgetbn_antoria_badge_2.jpg


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