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History of the manufacturer  

All American Mohawk, Rauland Lyric; Chicago, IL

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Name: All American Mohawk, Rauland Lyric; Chicago, IL    (USA)  
alternative name:
All American Electrical Manufacturers || All-American Radio || American Mohawk || Mohawk Corporation of Illinois || Mohawk Electric Corporation || Rauland Mfg.Co.
Abbreviation: all-americ
Products: Model types

All American Radio Corporation, Mohawk Rauland Lyric Corp.
4213 Belmont Avenue, Chicago (1926)
later North Tonawanda, NY

Trade names: All-Max, Chieftain, Eagle, Lyric, Mohawk, Navajo, Sextette

Many models are listed in literature under different manufacturers. To avoid double and triple listings, the brands are pooled together here.

The company sold Lyric brand tubes in the late 1920's, see the tube brand entry.

Founded: 1920
Production: 1920 -

Rauland / All American:

1920: All American Electrical Manufacturers founded by E. N. Rauland
1922: name changed to All American Radio Corp.

In 1925, Rauland Mfg. Co. used All American as a trade name (seen on advertisement).


1920: Mohawk Electric Corp. founded
1924: name changed to Mohawk Corp. of Illinois

All American Mohawk:

1927: The All-American Radio Corporation and The Mohawk Corporation were pioneers in the field when radio first became universally recognized. In 1927, these two companies united to form the The All-American Mohawk Corporation.

Early in 1929 the Rudolph Wurlitzer Manufacturing Company, organized since 1856, took over the production of Lyric Radios.

1929: E. N. Rauland left All American Mohawk and established his own Rauland Corporation, which was bought in 1948 by Zenith Radio Corp. The company was a successful picture tube business for many years.

Some models:
Country Year Name 1st Tube Notes
USA  35 P    
USA  33 Lyric SA91A 58  80 
USA  32 Lyric SW80 57   
USA  30/31 Lyric Neutrodyne H 24  This Lyric Neutrodyne H is only the chassis for Models H19, H29, H34 and perhaps others. T... 
USA  32 Lyric SW8 24   
USA  33 Lyric S-80 35  We assume that this All American Mohawk (Rauland Mfg.Co.) model Lyric S-80 with a "Fi... 
USA  33 Lyric SA120 58  The Lyric SA120 has also been exported to Switzerland. 
USA  34 Lyric Neutrodyne K 24A  80 
USA  34 Lyric LU5 6A7   
USA  36 Lyric Neutrodyne D39 24  push-pull 
USA  35 PH    
USA  34 Lyric A60 6A7   


Further details for this manufacturer by the members (rmfiorg):

April 1925 Radio Broadcast magazine advertisement page 1183tbn_usa_allamerican-ad.jpg
Radio Broadcast, Feb. 1925, 848dtbn_usa_all_american.jpg
1927 Mohawk Corporation advertiser brochuretbn_usa_allamerican_1927brochure_page1.jpg
1927 Mohawk Corporation advertiser brochuretbn_usa_allamerican_brochure_page1.jpg
1927 Mohawk Corporation advertiser brochuretbn_usa_allamerican_brochure_page2.jpg
1927 Mohawk Corporation advertiser brochuretbn_usa_allamerican_brochure_page3.jpg
Radio Broadcast, Dec. 1925, p. 208tbn_usa_all_american~~1.jpg
Scanned from the Radio Retailing June 1927 page 40.tbn_rr_june27_p40.jpg
Scanned from the Radio Retailing June 1927 page 41.tbn_rr_june27_p41.jpg
October 1926, Radio Broadcast magazine advertisement on page 449tbn_usa_all_american_rauland_ad_oct._1926_radio_broadcast_page_449.jpg

Forum contributions about this manufacturer/brand
All American Mohawk, Rauland Lyric; Chicago, IL
Threads: 1 | Posts: 1
Hits: 2882     Replies: 0
All-American Mohawk
Konrad Birkner † 12.08.2014

Zunächst getrennte Firmen (beide gegründet 1920) wurde All-American 1922 zur AG.

Nach zunächst florierendem Geschäft (Gewinne 1923: $96.000; 1924: $365.000) ging es abwärts mit All-American (Gewinn 1925 nur noch $47.000; Verluste 1927: über $1,2Mio).

Obwohl Mohawk bereits 1924 einen Mehrkreiser mit Einknopfabstimmung auf den Markt brachte und gut verkaufte, vereinigten sie sich 1927 mit Wurlitzer. Eine Fabrikerweiterung brachte die Fertigungskapazität auf 850 Geräte pro Tag. Im März 1928 wurde Mohawk von All-American erworben, der Name wurde nun "All-American Mohawk Corp." 1928 verlor Mohawk einen Streit um die Marke "Mohawk" an eine gleichnamige Firma. Im November 1934 war die Firma bankrott.

Quelle: (287)Erb

All American Mohawk, Rauland Lyric; Chicago, IL
End of forum contributions about this manufacturer/brand


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