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History of the manufacturer  

Etalon; Belaya Cerkov, UA

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Name: Etalon; Belaya Cerkov, UA    (UA)  
Abbreviation: etalon
Products: Model types

Эталон - Белоцерковский опытный завод; Etalon - Experiment Plant Belaya Cerkov

256400 Белая Церковь, Киевская область, Л.Толстого 40

Dozimeter and measurement device production company. In second half of 90`s company went into bankrupcy. Now under the same name and on the same address is a water industry company.

Closed: 1996

This manufacturer was suggested by Emilio Focosi.

Some models:
Country Year Name 1st Tube Notes
UA  93 Синтэкс Дозиметр ДБГБ-01С Sinteks Geiger Counter DBGB-01S СБМ20  Health and safety dosimeter/Radiometer/Geiger Counter/Radiation Detector instrument design... 


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