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Borer Electronics AG; Biberist

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Name: Borer Electronics AG; Biberist    (CH)  
Abkürzung: borer
Produkte: Modell-Typen

Borer Electronics AG
Solothurnstrasse 65, CH-4562 Biberist

The company was active from the early 1970s to the mid 1980s, particularly in the field of CAMAC equipment design and production.

Gegründet: 1969
Geschlossen: 1990

In the 1970s Borer Electronics AG contributed to the development of the CAMAC standards and manufactured a range of CAMAC equipment. Products included crates, power supplies, crate controllers, computer interfaces, and over 20 different types of CAMAC modules. One of their last CAMAC products was an intelligent GPIB interface, offered in 1985.

In the early 1980s the company collaborated with Prof G. Massey from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich, and Dr R.A. Rueppel of the University of California, San Diego, on a joint project for the European Space Agency. The work concerned the development of data encoding and encryption algorithms for spacecraft telecommand and telemetry links.

Diese Firma wurde von Bruce Taylor eingebracht.


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