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History of the manufacturer  

Wayne Short-Wave Co.; Detroit, MI

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Name: Wayne Short-Wave Co.; Detroit, MI    (USA)  
Abbreviation: wayne
Products: Model types

Wayne Short-Wave Co.
556 Book Bldg.
Detroit, MI (1940)

The Wayne Short-Wave Co. was owned by Lillian B. Ferentz, and marketed a medical device (diathermy machine) called "Wayne Short-Wave Oscillator" to treat ailments such as sciatica, rheumatism, and sinus.

The company was invistigated by the Federal Trade Comission and was issued a "Stipulation to Discontinue Certain Representations" (Stipulation 3029, Federal Trade Commission Decisions, Findings, Orders, and Stipulations, Dec 1, 1940 to May 31, 1941, pp. 1674-1675).


This manufacturer was suggested by David Erali.

Some models:
Country Year Name 1st Tube Notes
USA  40 Short Wave Oscillator   The Wayne Short-Wave Oscillator is a medical (diathermy) device claiming to cure arthritis... 


Further details for this manufacturer by the members (rmfiorg):

Detroit Free Press, March 24, 1940, page 12.tbn_wayne_short_wave_description.jpg


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