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History of the manufacturer  

Columbia Phonograph, American / Volta Graphophone Company; USA

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Name: Columbia Phonograph, American / Volta Graphophone Company; USA    (USA)  
alternative name:
American Graphophone || Columbia Recording
Abbreviation: columb-pho
Products: Model types

Volta Graphophone Company
Alexandria, Virginia (1886)

Columbia Phonograph Company
District of Columbia / Washington DC (1887)

American Graphophone Co.
New York, NY (1887)

Columbia Graphophone Co.
Woolworth Building, New York (1906)
174 Tremont St., Boston, Massachusetts (1915)

Columbia Phonograph Co. Inc.
55 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY

Founded: 1887

1886 - The Volta Graphophone Company is created on January 6 and incorporated on February 3 to control the patents derived from the Volta Laboratory's work on the Edison phonograph. It is later merged with the American Graphophone.

1887 - Columbia Phonograph Company founded by stenographer Edward Easton and a group of investors. Headquartered in the District of Columbia.

6/22/1887 - American Graphophone Company was established to manufacture and sell graphophones in the United States and Canada.

1888-1896 - North American Phonograph Company formed to market machines made by both American Graphophone Company and Edison Phonograph Company.

1889 - Columbia Phonograph Company became licensed by the American Graphophone Company to sell graphophones in the Washington D.C. area.

1893 - Edward Easton, president of Columbia Phonograph Company, also be came president of American Graphophone Company, now controlling both companies.

1895 - American Graphophone Company acquired the stock of Columbia Phonograph Company and they consolidated, with American Graphophone Company being the manufacturer, and Columbia Phonograph Company being the distributor, of graphophones.

1897 - Columbia set up European headquarters in Paris, and in 1900 a sales office in London.
Towards end of 1900 London became the European headquarters.

1906 - The companies reorganized and became Columbia Graphophone Company.

1918 - Columbia Graphophone Manufacturing Company is set up for the manufacture, while Columbia Graphophone Company is retailer.

1922 - Columbia Phonograph Company, Ltd. formed in England by Louis Sterling as a spin off from Columbia Graphophone Company.

Feb. 1924 - Columbia Graphophone Company was in receivership and emerged as Columbia Phonograph Company, Inc.

March 1925 - Louis Sterling of the Columbia Phonograph Co., Ltd. of London, bought a controlling interest in Columbia Phonograph Company, Inc. and reorganized it.

March 1931 - Electric and Musical Industries, Ltd. (EMI) was formed by the merger of the Gramophone Company, the Columbia Graphophone Co., Ltd. and Parlophone.

Some models:
Country Year Name 1st Tube Notes
USA  31 31 35   
USA  31 32   Rider´s shows only the chassis drawing. 
USA  31 33 35   
USA  31 34   Rider´s shows only the chassis drawing. 
USA  30 920 27  Push-pull af output stage. 
USA  30 930 27  Push-pull af output stage. 
USA  30 990 27  Push-pull af output stage. 
USA  32 120-B 32   
USA  31 8 tube TRF 36   
USA  27 Amp 900    
USA  31 939 [new]    
USA  30 Telefocal 939 [old]   One dial (primary tuning control knob) 


Further details for this manufacturer by the members (rmfiorg):

By courtesy of guest Ilias Karavoulias, Athens, Greece.tbn_columbia_163_logo.jpg
Logo: Columbia Phonograph Co. Inc. - USA 1929.tbn_us_columbia_29_logo.jpg
Address 1915tbn_us_columbiagraphophone_address.jpg
Italian representative from "L'Illustrazione Italiana" January 1912.tbn_gb_columbia_ad.jpg
From "The Talking Machine" volume IV, number 8, August 1908.tbn_us_columbia_new_tone_arm.jpg
Thanks for photo the First Zala County Radio Museum Foundation, Hungary, Zalaegerszeg. Wágner brand Budapest.tbn_usa_columb_pho_unknown_advert_1916.jpg

Forum contributions about this manufacturer/brand
Columbia Phonograph, American / Volta Graphophone Company; USA
Threads: 1 | Posts: 2
Hits: 2391     Replies: 1
Amerikanische Firmen nicht im
Hilmer Grunert

Hallo Sammlerfreunde,

mir sind Werbeanzeigen Amerikanischer Zeitschriften von 1915-1919 in die Hände gekommen, in denen Werbung von folgenden 2 Firmen auftauchen, die so mit der Originalbezeichnung hier im nicht auftauchen:

Victor Talking Machine Co., Camden, N. J., U.S.A.


Columbia Graphophone Company, New York

sollten diese Firmen angelegt werden?, oder können Geräte die unter diese Firmennamen hergestellt wurden anderweitig gemeldet werden.
Bei Victor gibt es da z.B. das Modell "Victrola XVI" das seinerzeit (1915) 200 US$ gekostet hat.
Bei Columbia gibt es das Modell Grafonola, das in der Zeitschrift "The Ladies` Home Journal" Ausgabe "March 1918" sogar in einer Farbigen Werbeanzeige erscheint.

Herzlichen Gruß

Hilmer Grunert

Konrad Birkner † 12.08.2014

Hier kann es doch nur um reine Grammophone gehen. Trotzdem:

Victor ist ergänzt zu Victor Talking Machine , bleibt aber mit Verweis auf RCA Victor.
Grund: Die Victrolas etc werden unterschiedlich zugeordnet, einmal hier, einmal dort.
Wir müssen konzentrieren, um Dubletten zu vermeiden.

Columbia Phonograph Company siehe hier.

Victrolas gab es von RCA mit und ohne Radios (Radiolas).

Und eine Columbia Graphophone  in NY dürfte ein Verkaufsbüro der "richtigen" Britischen Firma sein.


- Radiola, the Golden Age of RCA, by Eric.P.Wenaas
- Veteran Talking Machines, by Brian Jewell

Columbia Phonograph, American / Volta Graphophone Company; USA
End of forum contributions about this manufacturer/brand


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